asalim41605 » Favorites (117)
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
Keyboard Axolotl by Elfwarrior123
Put your finger here (SCPedition) by Derp-Chan
Spiderman by OfekI
Stop Sign Detector Tutorial - Updated by Infinite_Code
Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning sprites by asalim41605
Rocket Launch by Giddy215
Entry of the Gladiators by thorpr21
If My Animations Would Move faster And Smoother by asalim41605
All Star but I preform it badly on a ukulele by This_Fangirl_Rules
If scratch took of the internet by asalim41605
Orange Justice but i made it slower then sped it up so you can learn how to do it by asalim41605
squirrel news by TerryNiimiMoshides
ScratchNite by Neluex
Orange Justice by PhatDudeProductions
What Baldi actully does by asalim41605
Synthesia by asalim41605
Pink panther But Its Played On A scratch Piano by asalim41605
Yanny Vs Laurel by asalim41605
How to get Featured on Scratch :) by Fly2TheSky
NINJA GAME by kittywolfcar
Baseball remix by kittywolfcar
Muffins Dreams by asalim41605
When you can't open a peanut by programfixser
The Mangle song by BonnieTheReal606
Useless Lever by asalim41605
fnaf 1 by asalim41605
More Favorites Than Views??? by asalim41605
Add yourself as a Pirate! remix by Profile_user
Skateboard physics by SDS_753
by Profile_user
WASTED by asalim41605
Put your finger here. by abby1997345
Smooth Turn Thing by ToadfanTest
by -Glitchy-
Sounds by asalim41605
Dont click this project(viewbait) by XwolfdexD
Christmas Clicker by Axel_The_Beagle
by -Glitchy-
I am TOAST by supersillygal
docter im afraid of backstories by Dgarcia08519
My Little Avatar (: by asalim41605
Don't Touch Me! by P101j
Selfie!! by -Galaxy_Hair-
Baldi's Basics In Education And Learning Demo by asalim41605
Yanny Vs Laurel by asalim41605
World's Greatest Text Engine V2.0 by Andrew360
Magic 8 ball by asalim41605
put your finger here by asalim41605
ps3 simulator ask by redogames
LOL First Project! by Derpstronica
I Made Some SMM Levels! by PullJosh
Animation Maker by KryptykProductions
Animation Vs Animator 88 frames by asalim41605
Joe stickman by asalim41605
Animation vs. Animator: Part 2 by PhatDudeProductions
Windows Xp V 2.0 by asalim41605
Nine Eleven by muffins318