Scratcher Joined 8 years, 7 months ago Australia
About me
I am 10 years old and just starting off at this website i do have coding experience.and i will love to have a featured project or studio that i made.
P.S i'm in the code club at my school
What I'm working on
i not working on any ting and im deleting my account
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (24)
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Untitled by applemac43
final countdown by applemac43
sign in as applemac43! easter edition! by applemac43
catch the telliporting ball! by applemac43
CHRISTMAS EVE 2016 by applemac43
sign in as applemac43! christmas edition! by applemac43
Boat Race by applemac43
Untitled-2 by applemac43
game of ping-pong (dad helped) 2 by applemac43
Pokemon speakers! by applemac43
game of ping-pong (dad helped) 3 pixelated by applemac43
a cool game (dad helped) by applemac43
Ghost Busters by applemac43
Paint box by applemac43
~A GAME OF SOCCER~ by applemac43
Its raining tacos (a popping balloons game!) by applemac43
PUNS by applemac43
Pokemon Go! by applemac43
sign in as applemac43! by applemac43
Favorite Projects
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Boat Race by applemac43
Untitled by applemac43
Fight Fire With Fire 2 by Will_Wam
sign in as applemac43! easter edition! by applemac43
catch the telliporting ball! by applemac43
sign in as applemac43! christmas edition! by applemac43
Foxy and freddy Dab by dacodingKING43
band theo cool (hot cross buns) by supthechosenone
iPhone 100 by aidanbriza
A game of BALLs by dacodingKING43
Hill Climb Racing v1.0 by griffpatch
Christmas Capers by aidanbriza
flying dounut by rubystar43
Penalty kick by pandakun
YouTube by applemac43
pictures 2 by rubystar43
Pixel Forest by TriLinear
PixelRush by Saweron
Do NOT press the red button! by llamacorn105
Studios I'm Following
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lego studio
Turtle power
Untitled Studio
Can we get 4,000 managers by 2018?
flying dounut
SGN- scratch gaming network!
#dab it bro *_*
K.I.T Studio
dad studio!
rainbow style NOT #so not rainbow style!
Design a New Scratch Character
da best #beststudioever
Pokemon players
all projects in scratch!!
shining star!!!!
A studio fit for a King
the coders have landed
Studios I Curate
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lego studio
coding club
Turtle power
flying dounut
#dab it bro *_*
dad studio!
rainbow style NOT #so not rainbow style!
da best #beststudioever
Pokemon players
shining star!!!!
all projects in scratch!!
Keep Calm Studio
DANCE DANCE DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the 43 family
K.I.T Studio
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