Scratcher Joined 1 year, 6 months ago Brazil
About me
oi meu nome e adriel eu tento criar jogos mais alguns eu nao consigo fazer mais um dia vou conseguir criar jogos muito bons para vcs jogarem
eu gosto de mario sonic pac man gacha club fnaf e fan games
What I'm working on
cubinho ta com fome parte 2 boss figth
one nights at adriels do 1 ate o ucn
adriel custom night
a e tbm gosto de undertale boku boku gosto de fazer animaçoens no flipa clip
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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taki sô remix by adri3788
adriel and friends by adri3788
FNAF COM SCRATCHERS! vagas(10) remix by adri3788
aqui by adri3788
adriel em CHANGED by adri3788
Faz o meu ae pfv :) remix by adri3788
bote seus personagens e eu avalio em tierlist remix remix by adri3788
e eu avaliei :) by adri3788
remix do remix by adri3788
um Remix de bote seus personagens e eu avalio em tierlist remix by adri3788
avaliado by adri3788
Rankeia aí amigo. remix by adri3788
voltei by adri3788
bote seus personagens e eu avalio em tierlist by adri3788
duvido se fazer os 4 by adri3788
participemo by adri3788
remix do remix by adri3788
kaua by adri3788
aoba by adri3788
Untitled-4 by adri3788
Favorite Projects
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adrietale PART 1 - The Start by CastProjects
faster by Yolxavikk2
Dance ダンス by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
adriel and friends by adri3788
Cubin The Cube Teaser by Stickmanjeff
eu consertei os animatronics do one night at engine 2 by arthurgamerxp
Mr.jeff (custom night do adriel) by Stickmanjeff
omega lord bossfight #game #bossfight by EnzoPiluski
enzo vs faker by EnzoPiluski
Iceberg Do Scratch BR by CascoDoJabuti
BloB3: o Fim (parte 1) by leo-45
adriel em CHANGED by adri3788
SCPBR: pexe by Neon-The-Flame
A jornada por nada: Ep13 by leo-45
os jumpscares que estão feitos by adri3788
Deltarune OST - THE WORLD REVOLVING by CoolUsername321
Nicollas' Doors 2D (End) by NicollasCreator
Jonas em residence massacre by Lobato2030
remix do remix do remix by leo-45
A lore do ONaE by leo-45
Studios I'm Following
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Estúdio anti-haters do @OpEnSaDoR
Galinndin's Hangout!
OFFICIAL One Day at BITMAP'S Studio!
p3rs0nw1thfun's friends and followers!!
Cubes and Dungeons a série
Meme Guardians
The Scratch 3.0 Show (Remade)
five nights at sonic's fan made studio
My South Park vectors!
Follow if ur male
Stick Shop Studio
Five Nights at Freddy's Scratch Fan Games
Organização das Comunidades Ativas Unidas
undertale games
Super Mario on Scratch Series!
hominho boss fight: estúdio oficial
Studios I Curate
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Teamxp 3 Scratch studio
Estúdio anti-haters do @OpEnSaDoR
Galinndin's Hangout!
Ianoni11 friends
Cool_Arc's Tutorials!
adrietale produçao
comenta/ me siga ou seguir o studio pra ser curador
Os lek
CatalineYToficial Não cometa su1cid1o!
meus dessenhos
Organização das Comunidades Ativas Unidas
undertale games
Yibase's Hangout Studio!
Upcoming Birthday!
Comunidade Lusófona Ativa!
New Community Br Pt and USA
five night's at scratchers
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