Scratcher Joined 3 years ago Canada
About me
Hi guys! I'm AdamFang! I really love Loomian legacy and pokemon. I absolutely hate pokemon rip-offs , Like the Coli-Critter adventure. You can see my avatar is also a pokemon! Can you guess it?
What I'm working on
I am working on a project called nightmare attack , I followed a tutorial from griffpatch but the lemons create more clones. I am currently in 5th grade so I will probably make tons of new projects!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (49)
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Smash ultimate character tier list 2023 by adamfang
Black (green!) hole mouth scratch by adamfang
Pokemon Showdown (Battle Simulator) V.2.8.0 remix hacked by adamfang
Mystery Monsters v1.5 (five-month project) hacked! by adamfang
Salamence vs Kindra(Anniversary special!) by adamfang
2p pokemon battle by adamfang
plants vs zombies remix by adamfang
Impossible pkmn battle! by adamfang
LIke a D6 by adamfang
Endlessly tortured scratch 2.0 by adamfang
Endlessly tortured scratch by adamfang
Wow, you are lucky! Millions of corrupt roaming battles! A Loomi-triple battle! But the music gets by adamfang
Scratchemon Beta reduced cooldown by adamfang
NPC V.S NPC POKEMON BATTLE V.1 remix by adamfang
Dialga vs deoxys by adamfang
dodgy dobo. by adamfang
Freepokemonsprites4u by adamfang
Tyranitar vs krookodile by adamfang
Pokemon Battle Test 2: Clash of Legends! shorter dialogue by adamfang
Pokemon battle v 1.0 by adamfang
Favorite Projects
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AIA Tower Defense by shadowspear1
Battle Bash HACKED by cat2002joe
Super Scratch Bros. by Hobson-TV
Super Smash Bros. Scratch Edition by SuperMarioManus12
☁ Super Smash Bros. ☁ by Hobson-TV
Street Fighter | Pixel Game by WETRON_TV
Frog Jumpscare by TheEpikFrog
Nintendo Land Scratch by J42
Pac Man by guy77
Laser Drone Boss Fight by stonewall123456
Hail Flyer Boss Fight by stonewall123456
Drone Crawler Boss Fight by stonewall123456
Funkémon GO v.1.0 by Hobson-TV
Appel v1.4 by griffpatch
Greninja Attack by Isa30112010
Mario Game by Zelda123
Pokemon Battle Simulator by spaparella
plants vs zombies "2" by Scratch100k
Pokemon card duels by Kresinho
Wᴀᴛᴇʀғᴀʟʟ ᴀ Pʟᴀᴛꜰᴏʀᴍᴇʀ #all #games #trending #art #music by -Takip-
Studios I'm Following
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