Xa360 » Favorites (38)
Super Slide Creator by raineoden
Fairy Tail: The Game (v1.3) by MinecraftParty77
Smash Kombat remix by Xa360
Snake - Glow Edition by mrabdul
Papers, Please! V2.1 by The_Nutty_Vampire
★When My IPhone Rings...[AV]★ by bear123bear456
Scratch Inspired by st19_galla
Very Hot by scratchU8
Illusion 1. Start of series by mok890
Speed Drawing: Nessie (original species) by taffygirl13
New Intro (First Intro test) by Xa360
New Outro (first outro test) by Xa360
Space War 4 by illusionist
Slime Fighters! by Tarlach
Mini War by trev0rS
Hair-Cuts in a nutShell by max_and_zeke234
Battle Quest by venomous-squirrel
Hey, Jimmy... by Enderking
ScratchDeckDuels: Minion108 vs. ScratchU8 by ScratchDeck
Hello? by AwesomeGamesTV
Scratch Jump SCROLLING EDITION V.3 by Xa360
Scratch Jump *DEMO* by Xa360
Platformer Tutorial v0.12 by griffpatch_tutor
Believe by Wildflight
Scratching Dawn - Episode 1 (OLD) by M_axj
MINIGAMES by MajesticPie
It's Muffin Time AMV (feat. Muffins!!!) by Quality-
Smash Kombat (2 player fighting game) by PandaBair
Geico is John Cena by SeasonsTheAnime
Add Yourself fighting Bill Cipher remix remix remix remix remix remix by SeasonsTheAnime
It's Alive School Project Nyan Scratch. by Xa360
Meow Meow Clicker by Xa360
||SYSTEM FORMAT|| by epninja
Music Show (School) by Xa360
Triple Play Baseball by mrvankil
First Person Shooter (2.5D) by eliasw
Stick Jump (OLD) by Xa360