Wanosa » Favorites (55)
Air Hockey by mikeono102
Pokémon Darkness version by thePixelSeppo
Rocket Launch by N25Games
Rage Run by WH01o1
SNAKE RUNNER 2 v2.1 by willboii
Sprite Wars by ProdigyZeta7
Super Smash Bros. Ball! remix (Gnorris is the tuffnest) by myart
fast coloring by wolfgirl1
Minecraft - Scratch Edition (0.1.4d) Alpha by liam48D
Awesome Pop Art Creator by Botond2003
BounceyQuest : A Shorter Platform Game Than Marshall by Landonius01110112
The Faceoff! by someguys
super mario bounce by green300
sling shot jumper by Mega_AL
Mini-games Galore (Minor bugs) by Wanosa
Cookie Clicker 1.3.7 by osword
Wanosa Clicker remix by Wanosa
Scratch Clicker v1.5 FIXED NEGATIVE CATS by FlipnoteMrMan
Cat Clicker (SAVING) by Diamond_Scratcher
Platformer_Undicided remix by scubajerry
Dance Dance Chibilution by scratchem
Scratchlings by frodewin
Boulder Tower Defense by turkey3
Fight For Honor by LevelSmith
Cursor Farm by FaceOs
Pot o' Gold: A Platformer About Ireland. by werdna1
Veggie Smasher (Flying Mustache Edition) by Wanosa
Fruitcraft---Evolved by RandomGuyIMG
Magic Ball by Wanosa
Button Bouncer 3.0 by Wanosa
Flower and daisies by leszpio
pretty flower - creator by leszpio
Stamp It by Wanosa
ScratchTunes - Make your own music! by omon23
Pop It! by spaceyJC
Doyu Card Battle Remix by Wanosa
Interactive Guitar by mlc192
Interactive Guitar remix by Wanosa
Doyu Card Battle(Ver. 1.1.1) by bawac
Warriors Clan Maker! by StellarProgrammer
THE BALLS QUEST. V.2.4 by kieran1002
Donut Racing 4.2 by Wanosa
Ghost by TPMtest
SuperSnake by relrel
colored pinwheel by leszpio
Epic Fruit Knight (remix!) by 11thMutant
Create a Trippy Vortex (Slightly seizure inducing) by Wanosa
Neon Snake by AgentRoop
Draw! by CookieWoof
8 Bit Paint by WooHooBoy
animation creator by Theprodigy
Artist 2.0 by turkey3
Hardword by ffred
Pong V2.0 by Froast
Giga and Pico's Planets by Wanosa