VIJA3-1 » Favorites (96)
La danse de la ballerine by OAME-AFEMO
Different people when seeing bee's by ChewingFruitGum
Epic Miner v1.1 (Alpha) by VIJA3-1
Crafts a platformer by ChewingFruitGum
Baking a platformer by ChewingFruitGum
the scratch in scratch by booklover834
Scratcharia v2.8.3 by griffpatch
Satya productions by Satyaplayz_1234
Clicker Game by Zinnea
Blue or Sundew? remix by Pupsimaus
Wazzo TV - A Simple Platformer by SpaceInfinityRanger
pop it by Dudeyusuf
Type something in the chat to get a follow by TitanTian123
Nora's ballet recital! by AYAL3-1
[3D]ボールころころ2 by s00384206
Virtual pet by TitanTian123
Exclusive griffpatch Interview! (Joke) by Castle_Hippopotamus
Alphabet list by VIJA3-1
Space series by cooladammadison
#teamtrees by ninukapinu
Draw Symmetrical 2 by EMAL3-1
Beta testers for Wings Of FIRE wars game by VIJA3-1
Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophecy Prologue by redtrueblue
Wings of Fire platformer by cute2008kitten
Atari River Raid Based Minigame by GalacticYaya
Flappy man by VIJA3-1
Among Us Platformer! ?mode=trending by cs4404176
Beyblade Simulator II by VIJA3-1
Pokemon card duels by Kresinho
Beyblade Simulator by VIJA3-1
Baby chick hatching by EMAL3-1
Scratch Cat walking by Natt519
Cat miner (singleplayer) by VIJA3-1
Walking cat (with update!!!) by VIJA3-1
MAZE try it!! by VIJA3-1
Walking cat by VIJA3-1
Entry for intro contest: VIJA 3-1 :) by VIJA3-1
Chop The Watermelons by GalacticYaya
Cat Baloon by GalacticYaya
Doctor Strange Adventure Part: 1 by GalacticYaya
(CLOSED!) {280} Intro Contest! (WINNER GETS 31+ FOLLOWERS) by coolwolftail
250 INTRO CONTESTS by coolwolftail
RUN AND EAT!!! by ninukapinu
Scratch Avengers(Short Animation) by GalacticYaya
Virtually Drawn Man Platformer by GalacticYaya
☁ Minion Mission! // cloud multiplayer scrolling platformer racing game #games#all by mGR8T
Iron Man Vs. Ultron by GalacticYaya
Nature's Valley [#games #all] by FadedFlame
Nature's Valley by Tech-Coder
Hawkeye Training. by GalacticYaya
Word Processor v3.6.1 by griffpatch
Zombie Cube Escape! by griffpatch
THANK YOU MR.PENROSE!!!!!!!!! (my grade 3 teacher) by VIJA3-1
Miller - Clicker Game by MIWU3-1
Take Care Of The Rabbit! by EMAL3-1
Snake Game! by EMAL3-1
Make Your Own Ice Cream by EMAL3-1
Soupirior pong ( pong game ) by VIJA3-1
Catch The Coin! by EMAL3-1