Scratcher Joined 3 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
I am Ultragys and I like making fun projects for people to enjoy. I don't do scratch much anymore so I won't be online much. I also do not follow others because I want to follow without following.
What I'm working on
Fun projects like ones with cloud variables, with the pen, messages and other fun ones. I also have more than 50+ followers on my page thanks! https://scratch-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/projects/939764499/
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (44)
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300 Studio Followers!!! by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image September by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image April by Ultragys
Music [EARLY ACCESS] by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image March by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image February by Ultragys
50 Followers on my profile page! by Ultragys
Record Breakers Image (Renewed) by Ultragys
Which side do you pick? by Ultragys
Follow if you like October through December! Studio image by Ultragys
Follow if you like December! Studio image by Ultragys
100th Follower gets this studio! Studio image by Ultragys
100th Follower Gets This Studio! Studio Image by Ultragys
Guess the number by Ultragys
Follow if you like the holidays! Studio Image (November) by Ultragys
Follow if you are cool! Studio Image (Halloween) by Ultragys
platformer HD mod + flying mod by Ultragys
platformer HD mod by Ultragys
platformer flight ability mod by Ultragys
Poll of the day: 9/21/2023 by Ultragys
Favorite Projects
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300 Studio Followers!!! by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image September by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image April by Ultragys
Music [EARLY ACCESS] by Ultragys
Follow for Curator! Studio Image March by Ultragys
Games by NormanTheGamer
Follow for Curator! Studio Image February by Ultragys
50 Followers on my profile page! by Ultragys
Record Breakers Image (Renewed) by Ultragys
Which side do you pick? by Ultragys
Follow if you like October through December! Studio image by Ultragys
Follow if you like December! Studio image by Ultragys
100th Follower gets this studio! Studio image by Ultragys
100th Follower Gets This Studio! Studio Image by Ultragys
Platformer by ScratcherAdriel
Clone maker! by ScratcherAdriel
Floppa Clicker [Ui?] - #Games #all #Clicker #Trending #Viral #New by Up-2-Date
Guess the number by Ultragys
Follow if you like the holidays! Studio Image (November) by Ultragys
Studios I'm Following
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Polls Archive
Studio of the Seasons
Follow if your name isn't Ariel
The Super Mario Bros. Scratch Movie.
Follow if your name is not Billy
Add Your Scratch Projects :D
Follow If Your Projects Are Cool
Follow If Your Name Is Not Suzanne
[Removed by ST]
Untitled Studio
Unnoticed Scratchers
Sonic forces RP
The Projects Goal Studio
The Fun Projects Studio
The Swaggy One Out Studio
Sonic Forces(Speed Battle App) Blog
this studio is getting deleted
Studios I Curate
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Add anything
ThE 2025 cUrSeD wOrLd
Follow if you like cats
100th Follower gets this studio!
follow if you like cats!
Scratchers 2.0
Follow if you live, you love and you lie.
Dragon Ball Club
I Asked Famous Scratchers.. THIS?!
Polls Archive
Follow If Your Projects Are Cool
Studio of the Seasons
[Removed by ST]
Just read the description
Untitled Studio
Unnoticed Scratchers
Sonic forces RP
Ultragys isn't following anyone yet
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