TristenIsHere » Shared Projects (133)
Control Theory Sim Wheel by TristenIsHere
PID simulation by TristenIsHere
Skill tree v3 Jan2024 by TristenIsHere
Multiplayer game v5 by TristenIsHere
Multiplayer game v4 by TristenIsHere
Skill tree v3 Sept2023 by TristenIsHere
Multiplayer game v3 by TristenIsHere
Skill tree v2 by TristenIsHere
Multiplayer game v2 by TristenIsHere
fireworks S3 by TristenIsHere
fireworks S2 by TristenIsHere
fireworks S1 by TristenIsHere
boids new 5 by TristenIsHere
boids new 4 by TristenIsHere
boids new 3 by TristenIsHere
snake2 J/I by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting)7 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting)6 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting)5 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting) 4 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting) 3 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting) 2 by TristenIsHere
3D game (raycasting) 1 by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 8 student Joanna Ian Kingston by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 7 student Joanna Ian Kingston by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 6 student Joanna Ian Kingston by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 5 student Joanna Ian Kingston by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 4 student Joanna Ian Kingston copy copy by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 3 student Joanna Ian Kingston copy by TristenIsHere
codecup side scroller junior copy by TristenIsHere
codecup high score [S] PEN 1.0 by TristenIsHere
codecup high score [S] by TristenIsHere
codecup 2022 title page by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 2 student Joanna Ian Kingston by TristenIsHere
Craziest Catch 1 student by TristenIsHere
RPG 8 [S] Grace Ian by TristenIsHere
Teachers Reference Movements A by TristenIsHere
RPG 5 [S] Grace Ian by TristenIsHere
RPG 4.5 [S] Grace Ian by TristenIsHere
RPG 4 [S] Grace Ian by TristenIsHere
Speed typing intermediate Teacher by TristenIsHere
PCG World 5: Hall of Fame Copy by TristenIsHere
Codecup training levels [S] by TristenIsHere
Codecup training 4.1 [S] by TristenIsHere
Codecup training 4.2 [S] by TristenIsHere
Snake 3: [S] by TristenIsHere
Snake 2: Boundless World! [S] by TristenIsHere
Snake 1: Hungry hungry snakes [S] public by TristenIsHere
Snake 1: Hungry hungry snakes [S] by TristenIsHere
Space with gravity by TristenIsHere
PCG World 5: Hall of Fame [s] by TristenIsHere
PCG World 4: Humans Fight Back [S] by TristenIsHere
PCG World 3: Vampire Assault [s] by TristenIsHere
PCG World 2 [T]: Coins + Enhanced loading by TristenIsHere
jig gravity world 1 by TristenIsHere
PCG World 2 [S]: Coins + Enhanced loading by TristenIsHere
PCG World 1: Basic World Generation [T] by TristenIsHere
PCG World 1 [S] by TristenIsHere
Kitchen Caboodle 5: Grand Opening [S] by TristenIsHere
Maze Keepaway2: [s] by TristenIsHere