TheRealGordon16 » Favorites (407)
Cissy’s Sparta Remix by TheRealGordon16
I’m Cloning (Gordon’s Games) by TheRealGordon16
A picture for Chipm0nk by TheRealGordon16
Veggietales Scratch S1 E01 by Veggietalesfan666
I am really thirsty by TheRealGordon16
Žaba by smdobrota
Me on sans body by TheRealGordon16
Rating stands are closed I guess… by TheRealGordon16
I push Leslie for making my mom do so much work by TersigniJu
Gordon soundboard by TheRealGordon16
Pikachu shocks Cissy and gets ungrounded by TheRealGordon16
Cody dreaming by TheRealGordon16
My Scratch license by TheRealGordon16
My animation project by TheRealGordon16
Kirby grounds Machoke by TheRealGordon16
Rasaza hugs Gordon by TheRealGordon16
Rasaza meets evin by trollsomeisback
Fair day! by TheRealGordon16
Sharky Goes To School S2 E3 // Sharky's Sick remix by LincolnLoudOfficial
GET UP YOU LAZY PANDA!!! (Animation) by TheRealGordon16
Gordon goes to school season 1 Episode 2 by TheRealGordon16
Gordon goes to school season 1 episode 1 by TheRealGordon16
Maxwell Sprite by TheRealGordon16
Rate me Kirby by TheRealGordon16
Phantasm but TheRealGordon16 & Cissy Sings it by ClassicSonicUwU
Gordon VS Ojo (Part 3) by TheRealGordon16
Gordon VS Ojo (Part 2) by TheRealGordon16
Gordon VS Ojo (Part 1) by TheRealGordon16
My 100th Project! by TersigniJu
Apps - Platformer by diggerboy12
Red guy and Blue guy play by TheRealGordon16
Happy Mar10 day!! ^-^ by Sp1atoon
Laser Tag by TheRealGordon16
Elmo Quiz by TheRealGordon16
Dead in a nutshell by TheRealGordon16
Gordon Sprite by TheRealGordon16
Swiper goes to jail for stealing by TheRealGordon16
Scratch Cat V.S Tera by ClassicSonicUwU
Bob by TheRealGordon16
Add your OC here by TheRealGordon16
Phantasm but Kirby & Evil Kirby Sings it by ClassicSonicUwU
Gordon’s free toy by TheRealGordon16
Heather likes Duncan?! by TheRealGordon16
MYO: Total Drama Boney Island by ThatReallyWeirdGuy
Gordon at the Beach! by TheRealGordon16
Gordon and Duncan by TheRealGordon16
Ghost and SharkyShar dancing by TheRealGordon16
GoodCat113 V.S Eggy by GoodCat113
Green Flag by GoodCat113
GoodCat113 by GoodCat113
Tera gets grounded by GoodCat113
Funny stuff by TersigniJu
Trollsome Souunds by ClassicSonicUwU
kick baldi remix by TheRealGordon16
Squirtle head sleeping by TheRealGordon16
Untitled-47 by TheRealGordon16
Pancake Day by TheRealGordon16
Sans Clicker by TheRealGordon16
Running from Jenna The Hacker by TheRealGordon16
Rate Gordon! by TheRealGordon16