TheProdigymaster » Shared Projects (36)
Boids Simulation by TheProdigymaster
Another pen rainbow circle by TheProdigymaster
Misty rainbow spiral by TheProdigymaster
Spiral by TheProdigymaster
Pulse by TheProdigymaster
Sprinkler by TheProdigymaster
Art design || 100% pen || Epilepsy warning || #art #animations #all #games by TheProdigymaster
Sprinkler || 100% Pen || #all #animation by TheProdigymaster
My new OC by TheProdigymaster
Shape generator by TheProdigymaster
Stretchy cube by TheProdigymaster
Pen Platformer by TheProdigymaster
My intro by TheProdigymaster
Scratch Platformer e3 by TheProdigymaster
Scratch Platformer e7 by TheProdigymaster
Screen saver by TheProdigymaster
Remix And Get A Free Follow! remix by TheProdigymaster
Lemonoid invasion by TheProdigymaster
Maze runner || #games #all by TheProdigymaster
A Random Project forever by TheProdigymaster
Illuminati song forever! by TheProdigymaster
Back Again HACKED || Platformer #all #games #art #music remix by TheProdigymaster
Notebook - A Platformer ep9 HACKED by TheProdigymaster
I hit 50 followers so i am posting the results for the contest! by TheProdigymaster
50 followers || A Platformer #games #all by TheProdigymaster
Scrolling platformer engine by TheProdigymaster
Games - Animation glitched by TheProdigymaster
toad sings how far i'll go forever by TheProdigymaster
Remix this if you are against bullying remix remix remix remix remix remix remix by TheProdigymaster
Bearded scratch cat by TheProdigymaster
[TESTING] Scrolling Map remix by TheProdigymaster
(OPEN) PFP Contest! (PRIZEGIVERS NEEDED!!!) #Art TheProdigymaster's entry by TheProdigymaster
GETCHATBANNEDmousetrail by TheProdigymaster
Pong Screen Saver by TheProdigymaster
Blah Blah Blah song forever by TheProdigymaster