Scratcher Joined 7 years, 1 month ago Canada
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How can one be truly sure what they are truly are but srsly HOW
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its free real estate by joshrawesome
Cyber-Bullying by Jazzscratch50
Ideas by _Octo_
Lids by TNTsquirrel
a kirb by ziadmario54321
Create a google Design! by Luffy303
Your password IF YOUR JOING SCRATCH by TrooTroo
What Adults Think of Kids by Dhilly
Get OFF The Table! by zwilken
Sad Dog by megamath1221
An Icosahedron - The Hard Way by Scratch-Minion
How Could This Happen to Me? by Optifict
Why Timmy Doesn't Listen To Dubstep by The_Guy_
Object Funny 3: CIRCLETINE! by maxywaxepic
TALK TO ME SYSTEM | Private | by VertexxTutorials
Camera from BFDI by brianisback
Brick Breaker by axelsolano18
Studios I Curate
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