TheGreatF4FScratcher » Favorites (38)
patterns remix by Tarakelly
SG & SSG by zhqkrtk
BAMBOO 竹林 by 37457
Wizards (game) by 211A
Super Mario For Scratch 4 by Brad-Games
Hollow knight platformer by cobra0077
Mechanical Pencil Clicker by Hemkernator
Abyssal Light by 211A
Short Animation Loop by mister_dazzling
Entry for cherry912's art contest by NeonDiamond1
(ʃ♡ƪ´▽`) My Cat (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) by Emma_M_2008
My Fourth Gosh Dang TGN Art Except This Time It's an AT by mister_dazzling
The Ninja 6 FULL VERSION by c12ny14
Bismarck #Mighty #Bismarck by hanz_zee_ss
ball dodge V.3.0 by superslimerancher
For Salty Peppers 70 followers special! (remix) by Fnmovie1
I’m sad by -AnonymousKoala-
Lost in a Candy World || A Scrolling Platformer by NeonDiamond1
Geometry☻Platformer by jesussauve
A MuSiCAl BoNAnzA (we are number one) by -AnonymousKoala-
Breaking your phone by -AmazingAnimations7-
Abyssal Flame by 211A
F4F (Platformer) by TheGreatF4FScratcher
Mathlantis 2: Dark Shadows by BlackDragonStudios
Famous Scratchers' thoughts on F4F by Deathstriding
hornet fight (hollow knight) by cobra0077
Nature (A Platformer) by Hemkernator
Dark Souls II boss rush by Zoigethiant
How to Follow Yourself (ONE ACCOUNT!) by epicanna27
Whale remix (Brightness Changer) by TheGreatF4FScratcher
Whale by NickyNouse
What I do all night (True story) by -Daniel123Farcas-
OMG SECRET HACK??????????????????????????? by phoenixN1
Waluigi Tennis Aces V1.5 by Brad-Games
platformer engine by CalebR27
Fly away by ThePowerUser
yobama by Swaggygoat6
rush cart by coder_d6