Tfird2024Rises » Shared Projects (2013)
The Return of the Ultimate Difficulty Chart #3 by Tfird2024Rises
The Return of the Ultimate Difficulty Chart #2 by Tfird2024Rises
TTRAEUDC (48) by Tfird2024Rises
Extreme Omega Mild Render by Tfird2024Rises
Alternate Lobotomy by Tfird2024Rises
Untitled-19 by Tfird2024Rises
(NEW EFFECT) G Major 276638968629879363972789977186733 by Tfird2024Rises
original geometry difficulty remix by Tfird2024Rises
A Difficulty Spectrum. (Part 2: Godly) by Tfird2024Rises
A Difficulty Spectrum. (Part 1) by Tfird2024Rises
Angelic Difficulty spectrum v1 by Tfird2024Rises
The Googol Difficulty Spectrum #0.0003 by Tfird2024Rises
The Googol Difficulty Spectrum #0.0002 by Tfird2024Rises
The Googol Difficulty Spectrum #0.0001 by Tfird2024Rises
1400th Project by Tfird2024Rises
Infinite Difficulty Spectrum (WIP #0.05) by Tfird2024Rises
Infinite Difficulty Spectrum (WIP #0.04) by Tfird2024Rises
Infinite Difficulty Spectrum (WIP #0.03) by Tfird2024Rises
Infinite Difficulty Spectrum (WIP #0.02) by Tfird2024Rises
Infinite Difficulty Spectrum (WIP #0.01) by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #68 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #67 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #66 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #65 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #64 by Tfird2024Rises
Sorry, I only do better Sam voice by Tfird2024Rises
P2SC2024 in G Major 2024.2024 by Tfird2024Rises
Preview 2 Scratch Cat in Suddenly Pinapples by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #63 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #62 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #61 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #60 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #59 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #58 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #57 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #56 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #55 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #54 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #53 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #52 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #51 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #50 by Tfird2024Rises
Hide behind your toys all types by Tfird2024Rises
The Return of the Ultimate Difficulty Chart #1 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #49 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #48 by Tfird2024Rises
GD Lobotomies PLUS*3 #47 by Tfird2024Rises
Preview 2 Scratch Cat in Þ Major by Tfird2024Rises
Glum-blog Angry Scratch Cat Multirender (2) by Tfird2024Rises
but the G Major cat is G Major 74(maybe) by Tfird2024Rises
The Cookie Jar Jar by Tfird2024Rises
The Cookie Jar Company Ident 2 but it’s too bright by Tfird2024Rises
What Easy Omega Angel Looks like by Tfird2024Rises
Accidentally created this project by Tfird2024Rises
Preview 2 scratch cat in Masterfulful Major by Tfird2024Rises
Making phonk until im good at it (Part 2) by Tfird2024Rises
Unfinished and crappy phonk by Tfird2024Rises
G Major Omega by Tfird2024Rises
Preview 2 scratch cat in Enlightened Masterful Major by Tfird2024Rises