
Scratcher Joined 8 years, 7 months ago United States

About me

HOi Im TemMiE!!!! YoU DoNt KnOw MuCh StuFFs
AboUT TeMMiE BuT TeM WiLL TeLLs U AbouTs TeM! Tem LiKe TeMMIe FlakES, AnD MoNs 4 CoLLaGe PlEaSe dOnAte To TeM! tEm wILL GiVe U OtHeR StuFFs.BAi!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I'm working on

TeM iS SorrY... TEmmIe wIll nOt bE AbLE tO gO On SCraTcH MucH BecAuSe, I HavE OtHer StUffS tO dO, In TEm VillAge.


What I've been doing


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