Sushrut02 » Shared Projects (93)
i figured out trig functions by Sushrut02
perfect circle by Sushrut02
gobo fighter by Sushrut02
path of math by Sushrut02
forever bouncing ball remix by Sushrut02
shadow v3 FINAL by Sushrut02
snake beta by Sushrut02
ball fall by Sushrut02
bitmap by Sushrut02
Go Green by Sushrut02
Go slightly less Green! by Sushrut02
detonator by Sushrut02
reaction time test by Sushrut02
motion sensing ball attack by Sushrut02
Go Green! by Sushrut02
bar by Sushrut02
idek by Sushrut02
better BANANA by Sushrut02
no context by Sushrut02
Press Start: Super Rabbit Boy Powers Up! remix by Sushrut02
basic AI by Sushrut02
basic terrain generator by Sushrut02
bouncy box by Sushrut02
scratch cat clone by Sushrut02
save code test remastered by Sushrut02
effects by Sushrut02
loading by Sushrut02
even / odd by Sushrut02
guess the number by Sushrut02
slide template by Sushrut02
egg shooter by Sushrut02
beetle road by Sushrut02
Tennis Pong by Sushrut02
back button by Sushrut02
ask question in real time translated by Sushrut02
Bossfight 2 hacked by Sushrut02
scratch blocks in custom blocks by Sushrut02
My account by Sushrut02
3D Raycaster by Sushrut02
switch by Sushrut02
a narmal platformer by Sushrut02
the worst playtformer ever made by Sushrut02
stretchy scratch cat by Sushrut02
separate words by Sushrut02
star catcher by Sushrut02
sprite layering by Sushrut02
different levels by Sushrut02
maze generator by Sushrut02
Platformer v11.5 by Sushrut02
cosmic star bender by Sushrut02
scratch cat smooth movement by Sushrut02
join words together on a list (look in code) by Sushrut02
mouse-pointer battle by Sushrut02
save code test by Sushrut02
Clouds - A Scrolling Platformer remix by Sushrut02
Draw remix by Sushrut02
auto-adjust menu by Sushrut02
The attack of the lemons by Sushrut02
Poultry Peril hacked by Sushrut02