SpecklesKrAps » Favorites (27)
Let's Make Candy Apples! by SophiaWSR3
☁ Scratch Creator ☁ || FULL RELEASE || by smileboi765
Leaving..... by Slickerboyyy
Colorful Trails by natalie
Atomic Fart by WumboTV
My Top 10 Favorite Sonic Games by sonicgamesman
This song will annoy you for life!!!!!!! please watch! by Anigyarnosroaotag10
icon creator 1.0! by Doggydays21
Still Rolling Stones by Lauren Daigle remix remix by SpecklesKrAps
the birthday party expectation vs realitty in 2020 by cs1999986557
Welcome to scratch!!!!!!!!???? by GammerB0Y
Chat With Beanie Boos Mix #1 by Om-Nom-Candy
The peanuts movie songs remix by MrWaffleSpeckles
FLIPS by Elsa_Snow
Piggy Song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by _Unique-Corn_
Plasma Globe by Buttertoast2
My New Intro by Buttertoast2
alvin and chimps funky town by jojobob
Random girl with song (turn down for wht) by SpecklesKrAps
Home movie music by SpecklesKrAps
Dani changes identity by MandAXD
Simon's flip remix by Chimpmunky101
Simon's flip by Chimpie123
Welcome new scratchers! by CuzCrew
Funky town music video shreck two :) by SpecklesKrAps
Funky town Speckles by Leopiesrawesome12345
me play room by scratch_the_kat