SohamTheSK » Shared Projects (13)
SS+ language editor by SohamTheSK
Avatar by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials pick at random by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials effects by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to make and operate clones by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to make cat run forever by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials clean up function by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to ask questions by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to make variable and list by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to put sound by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to change backdrop by SohamTheSK
Scratch tutorials how to make cat say something by SohamTheSK
scratch tutorials how to make simple animation by SohamTheSK