Smart_at_Scratch12 » Favorites (53)
Fight! (song for a game I'm making) by poke333
Wordle by thecoolone72
The Tale of the Three Shapes by ScottyTrashBin
Blox v0.7.5 by am43567
Retro Lines by Galaxy_0815_X
Outside The Box by man-o-valor
Escape The Backrooms by adrian_dog_bostin_xd
Wooper waiting for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to come out. by cs3738623
Add yourself/Oc in FNAF World Fight V2.0 #all by Angelvicente16
Kirby Deluxe by TheSquidSquad
Kirby by TheSquidSquad
Scratchers in MY Style! by ZizeeTV
A Link to The Present - SNES Adventure v1.8 | #games #trending by TheCruiser31
SCRATCH QBERT by sterple100
[Part 2 - Unfinished]: ♫ The Ultimate Super Mario Collab || Part 2 by dwseoh127
childhood by topQuentincat
colourless-A platformer by Smart_at_Scratch12
Saturday Mornings | Animation by ---TurtIe---
☁️ Bounce Guys! by FelixCodeur
BATTLEVOID: Preparations by WhiteMiner1
BATTLEVOID: Beginnings by WhiteMiner1
Shopping for Christmas by WhiteMiner1
Welcome to Dorktown Ep2 by WhiteMiner1
Welcome to Dorktown Ep1 by WhiteMiner1
Monday mornings T-T by CoolCat_25
⬡ Spelling Bee ⬡ by Nanoscopic
Santa by Jelly_Script
Dreamazon - PGMA Round 3 by EnderPlaySmash
Pokemon by cheeta
Pokemon 2 by cheeta
★ Scratchy's Adventure ★ #games #scratch #platformer #adventure #all by Lucasliu9595
The Life Of A Star by _-MelonHead-_
Shop Till You Drop! | A Clicker Game || #All #Animations #Games #Tutorials #Music by adrian_dog_bostin_xd
Caustic Destroyer- MAKE-A-SKIN by w1ngsrevxnge
☁ Click 1.1 by NotNoone
[OPEN] Make A Skin Campaign #3 remix by LDEllie
Light vs Shadows by NotNoone
Pokemon Blue V. 0.0 by Oldschooler2
I AM TREE. by jadernader
eh eh eh by yeet10p
Remix and ruin grammarly REOPENED remix by nala194
Doors... by ILukeyz
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
Uncolored (A Platformer) by Kokasgui
◼-Operation_ Shot-◼ by shumaimania123
TTMTA #1_ status by qwbanana
Escape from the laser! Level editor! v0.1 by erc5
a normal platformer tutorial by -Heron-
Milk by Bubbles_Official
Supermarket by Bubbles_Official
games by Bubbles_Official
A project that cannot start (or stop later) | #animations #all by thatdavidpanda
Flip | #Games #Trending by piyj