Shrishnash » Shared Projects (21)
make scratch cat say words. by Shrishnash
sword animation practice by Shrishnash
my brain by Shrishnash
Scratch Dragon lol by Shrishnash
RPG™ by Shrishnash
scrunk cat wants his appel by Shrishnash
napping scratch cat by Shrishnash
Scratch Horse xd by Shrishnash
Untitled-sneeze by Shrishnash
Untitled-EXPLODE by Shrishnash
The Scratchdom by Shrishnash
Scratch Skatepark by Shrishnash
scratch cat goes to a southern walmart by Shrishnash
wing animation test by Shrishnash
Magic 8-Ball by Shrishnash
hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Shrishnash
Scratch Podcast - 1: Test (v1.0) by Shrishnash
Hello, World! by Shrishnash
Swat The Cat-Flies! by Shrishnash
Meanwhile, at Scratch HQ..(v1.1) by Shrishnash
Bounce the Scratch Cat! by Shrishnash