Scratcher Joined 10 years, 6 months ago United States
About me
Hey everyone! I'm Shiny_eevee but you can call me Mega (for Mega Latios since he is my favorite pokemon now) for short
I love Attack on Titan
My profile pic is from SNK/AOT
I need help
What I'm working on
I mostly draw things
Don't look at my old crappy art. Please. I'm also sorry for my past horrible spelling and what not.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (56)
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Important by Shiny_eevee
...I forgot how to scratch... by Shiny_eevee
Blank Space CC ~CLOSING SOON~ remix by Shiny_eevee
Red Velvet thing by Shiny_eevee
Cat skiddadles away! by Shiny_eevee
Am i anything to you by Shiny_eevee
Mulop (human) animation by Shiny_eevee
Hurricane CC .-OPEN-. remix of remixness by Shiny_eevee
Latios and latias drawing by Shiny_eevee
=Uptown Funk CC= remix by Shiny_eevee
A sad cat CC *Open* remix by Shiny_eevee
draw your best pokemon remix of latiosness by Shiny_eevee
I'm Blue- CC OPEN remix of awesomeness by Shiny_eevee
AnGeL oF dArKnEsS CC (CLOSED) remix by Shiny_eevee
keep remixing remix by Shiny_eevee
Angry Red velvet by Shiny_eevee
im sky and yay (sisters drawing) by Shiny_eevee
latios and latias yin and yang by Shiny_eevee
long time no see by Shiny_eevee
my best wolf running cycle remix by Shiny_eevee
Favorite Projects
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Attack on Titan - The Game by Elsa_The_Conqueror
Armin alone by Flamepaw8
Armin needs to see the sea! by lilypop120
That moment when that one song comes on. by WazzoTV
Being Tardy by WazzoTV
When The Beat Drops--Turn Down For What by Amethyst_Kitten
TRUMPETS FTW by robinpumpkinCATZ
Mlp Base (open) by Crystal-Blitz
Take a deep breath... by MistCat
MLP Scene Creator 2 by super_applebloom_64
Warriors Role-play game #1! by Animecat33
Warrior Cats Rp Game: Adventure is out there! by magenta424
MLP Scene Creator 1 remix my mode by rainbowprincessElla
Shark by NickyNouse
Latios Legends by SausageGuy
Lavender Town Survival REVERSED by JesusFreak007
Pokemon Survival: Final Edition by JesusFreak007
Fred's Waffles! - BC spoof #6 [NOTES!] by Silvershimmer43
Add yourself being stupid remix remix remix remix by Shiny_eevee
Studios I'm Following
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Latios and Latias Studio!
Anything AoT (attack on titan)
Edible scratch and Scratch for cats must back!!!!
Pokemon creepypastsa
Fangirling Is Magic
Pokemon RP
Latios Group
Hypno's Forest RPG
hypno pokemon fan club
Eevee lovers!
Shiny Pokemon RPG
Pokémon X and Y Pokémon Trading Club!
EEVEE keepers
Studios I Curate
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