Shablamo » Favorites (18)
Flappy Bird V.1.0 by --ScratchTV--
Transient by KICK_THE_HABIT
Water Glass by Google_Network
Lightbulb Animation by ssamtkwon
Dog! by DoodleZoo
Funny Dog Thing by puppyhat648
Quench by lynxkitten101
Rise and fall by Prinseskat
Hot Food by Hobson-TV
CircleTime! [GAME] by Shablamo
The Cave - A Platformer by msparrish-09
Color Wheel (a game) by Doctor_Llama
We Are Number One (Scratch Music) by DaMan56100
Tumbling Santa by ceebee
Buggy Bananas Emery's Birthday Edition: The Game by cs523028
Animated Christmas card with music by leszpio
Avoid by ILYW
make ur own ball art!!! by arseil