Seb0309 » Favorites (75)
Scratchformers:Dark of the Code by cs101119
Foxy Dancing by Choirlover
Colorful Tones 2 by Seb0309
Dropping the Base by Eternal_Nightwing
Nina Monkey 2 by Seb0309
Foxy Dancing!! by 3JAProductions
Check It Out: Starter Project 1 by CSFirst
Check It Out Starter Project 1 remix by superspider12
What is your favorite Food? by Seb0309
Happy Easter! by Seb0309
NERD BULLY by TheMaxyMonkey
Night Light | Interactive Art by guineapigsfly
ENDERMAN by tobias18
MY FIRST ANMATION hope you enjoy by tobias18
Lucky's Haunted Adventure by Bubbles166
Dolphinio's Adventure by Bubbles166
Can You Remember? (the game) by Meap77
★When My IPhone Rings...[AV]★ by bear123bear456
3D Scrolling Dot Matrix Clock! by ivan321
Subbmission by Worm06
Visit To The Castle by Seb0309
Superhero Disco by Seb0309
The Amazing-Spider-Man by Seb0309
Round 4: The Animation Option by sushijungle10
Sticki Eats a Magical Floating Carrot by JPiZZleScrAtch
When Sketchy is Alone... by JPiZZleScrAtch
Homework Simulator by JPiZZleScrAtch
Capture The Cheese-Puffs (Especially For My Friend Ruben.) by Seb0309
Which Hot Drink Are You? by Seb0309
Which Hot Drink Are You? by spottedwoodpecker11
Capture The Crab by Seb0309
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so bored! by Seb0309
How to Make Belgian Waffles from Scratch by samanthaflorence
Oreo! by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
I BECOME A SCRATCHER!!! by Redstonevampire021
Add yourself stranded on Skyblock remix by Redstonevampire021
My Dream House - SDS Project by BundtCake
PotterGod's Dream House! (SDS) by PotterGod
Ninja Fighters by Seb0309
Beat the Beast (Lunar New Year Special) by GriaMolar
FIFA 19 - Mini FUT by Maszek
My Virtual Pet by Seb0309
Blob (demo) by AvaneeshDeleep
Blob en español (demo) by PYN
We Bare Bears - Chloe meets tiny BBs by Cats_The_Penguin
We Bare Bears Assets by ceebee
Pap (Ogi) - Nigerian Recipes Series by Iamanauthor
Shadow by Elize-Moonen
Revenge On The Dog by Seb0309
Grav Tunks by Smythe313
Theme Park God by Borrego6165
Mr.Scribble by Seb0309
Windows 7 simulator V1 by caelanXDLOURDES
Whats your name? by caelanXDLOURDES
How to make a paper aeroplane by Seb0309
what does the fox say? remix remix by Seb0309
what by eekeekturtle
Maze by junebeetle
Slown by Vis5