Scratch_Theory-1 » Shared Projects (16)
Broken Amendment? by Scratch_Theory-1
phone guy audition by Scratch_Theory-1
the mystery of the square by Scratch_Theory-1
Im back by Scratch_Theory-1
America by Scratch_Theory-1
leak by Scratch_Theory-1
Detective dog a human eating dog? by Scratch_Theory-1
theory contest by Scratch_Theory-1
when I lose my pen by Scratch_Theory-1
What is coming by Scratch_Theory-1
matpat intro song my remix by Scratch_Theory-1
Who am I? by Scratch_Theory-1
How strong Is scratch cat? by Scratch_Theory-1
The griffpatch universe or Multiverse? by Scratch_Theory-1
Griffpatch Appel, What is it? by Scratch_Theory-1
The new Theorist by Scratch_Theory-1