
Scratcher Joined 5 years, 1 month ago Canada

About me

Likes: Zombies, Call of duty, Food (:P)
Hates: School, Hillbilly music, math, spoiled kids

Update: My new account will have something to do with perks, make sure to follow me there!

What I'm working on

¯\_(◔ ͜ʖ◔)_/¯ ᖗ´• ෴ •`ᖘ ᖗ´• ෴ •`ᖘᖗ´• ෴ •`ᖘᖗ´• ෴ •`ᖘᖗ´• ෴ •`ᖘᖗ´• ෴ •`
I have 10 alt accounts, due to the fact that i have these bots following me.

What I've been doing


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