Scratch-Minion » Favorites (5010)
1 Line Challenge : Random turquoise rings by Lawgz
checkerboard 3d by 11-0010010001
Thalia Parachute by thion
Random Music v6 by karatebuilderboy
Scratch Symbols - Cool fonts that work on Scratch by World_Languages
HSL Color Picker by Dog_Bone
Kolibri block shade by fussball7
Puffin Blockshade by Squillikins
scratch irl (ft. splo) by MaggZAttaggZ
スクリプト演奏(G線上のアリア:バッハ) by yukatan
スクリプト演奏(別れの曲:ショパン) by yukatan
Android watches movie by cs662783
>RADAR< one line challenge by henfreak
The face by Rocket-Flier
The creation and destruction of matter by ArceusJudgement
meet mres by mres
Apollo 11 teaser demo by militarydudes
Apollo 11 by NASAgeek321
Apollo Lander V 2.1 by tomyflowers
Apollo 11 - 40th Anniversary by The-Whiz
Astronaut by Pyroaura
Scratch Galaxy by ExperienceSea
Trigonometry Cannon by Paddle2See
Merry Go Round by MarioCat04
Merry Go Round by Paddle2See
The Scratch Movie Trailer by 681455
The Scratch Movie Trailer #1 by TSMOfficial
Gobo-Busters (SDS) by acduckii_rises
Jurassic Scratch by CookieNoms
The scratch movie by techyboyscratch
Gobozilla (SDS) by _-Second-_I-Test-I_
Inside Scratch by PippiLyra
Scratchcraft by Stick-Fighter
TARDIS travel 2 by petta
The Muppet Show Animation (AMV) by Ekrcoaster
Spiral Party by Kirby_Sonic
Interactive Spirals by benfire811
Defender of Scratch (TRAILER) by Dhilly
(1)Waldo the Narwhal's Adventures! by muppetbo
(7)Waldo the Narwhal's Adventures! by muppetbo
Bug Buzzing by ScratchGnat
ScratchDay Bugs by Fermate
Nano 13Frame Walk Cycle by DatowdaAfterEffects
Tera Walk Cycle by ExperienceSea
Gobo Walk Cycle by MerlinTheTurtle
Gobo walk cycle by cd2101112
Flying Scratch Cat 2 by -TheDoctor
I Animated Tera! by Itchy-Test
Fireworks! [100% Pen] by EJV2003
My Entry: "Scratch Cat Generations" by goldfish678
SpaceX Falcon 9 Lander (now with Autopilot) by Dixitest
The History of Scratch by Splo
My Scratch Cake! by TheYoungProgrammer
Scratchy: The Movie Trailer by iamawesome123456
The most influential projects in Scratch history by Orchalluhmanimations
Need Icons for Scratch News! by Lightnin
Beam me up! by NerdNinjaSensei
Beam me up! by Cozyhut3