Samueldora » Favorites (306)
It's A Holly Jolly Christmas! by gtoal
Rhythm & Blues remix, Blues in E by BruceBrit
Natal2014 by ffred
Fast Fourier Transform by -Jie-
Super Mario World - Athletic Theme by JereTheJuggler
True Friends by Saftreb
The Christmas Story by revpmitch
Maths Judo by Chick-Chick-Chicken
UDHR – Universal Declaration of Human Rights by mobluse
Pumpkinator 2000 (Halloween 2014) by NattyB
Hasami Shogi by ffred
ScratchCAD v1.3b by ProdigyZeta7
Herbst by goch
Pixelate Experiment by dapontesgr
Playable 3D Rubik's Cube! by boaz4
Cellular automaton/Game of Life by sticku
Burrow Blitz v1.0 by griffpatch
Giant 3D Church (v.1.2) by Yllie
3D Flight Simulator v2 by jji7skyline
Mona Lisa by Kinderlabor
Relative positions of a Line to a Circle by dapontes
Superman The game by TheGooseWhisperer
CITYbuilder by CCD_Baden
Ultimate Textwriter (supports CaPs, text size) by frodewin
Uhrwerk-Clockwork-Simulation by scratch-catcher
How to make professional Projects! by TM_
Camera Simulation by ashwinr
Tetris Dash (VERSION 1.1) by mattspataro
Darts Champion by richjones69
River Meander by aalto
Text zu Sprache by Tohmis
Flying and crashing balls by gAblativus
Quotes! by Horsiepet
Encyclopedia of Inspirational Scratchers by kavz
Scientific Calculator by relrel
2048 3D by ProdigyZeta7
Piano Music by Dan0510
1-2-3-Mozart! by Kinderlabor
Firing clones from clones by TheLogFather
Textwriter with configurable font by frodewin
Scratch Poll by ProdigyZeta7
Katze im Irrgarten by Lesel
Titanic- Wie ist sie gesunken? by lionduck
The Periodic Table - Animated by TheWindWak3r
3D plusieurs balles rebondissantes by boisvert
survol de terrain by boisvert
String manipulation blocks by TheLogFather
Bulge by sticku
Animator v2.0 by frodewin
Break-IN by d34db33f
WoodCraft by --ZOObesitzer--
by griffpatch
Free backdrops + costumes! by LiFaytheGoblin
PBM writer by abee
Trampoline by dapontes
Winter Olympics Slalom by frodewin
Squary Tales Dance by ffred
The Art of Chess by fanmusic
Diamond Hunter by frodewin
Haiku by rewinded