Samueldora » Favorites (306)
Peg (marble) Solitaire by gregatku
Piano - Interactive Art by Sea_Snake
3D Rubik's Cube Interactive by Mathekalender_st1974
My Computer History by ArnoHu
Chess AI by ArnoHu
Mini-Pool by Paddle2See
Full-Adder Using XOR and AND Gates by popswilson
Gearbox by ffred
言語クイズ!!! GLOBAL LANGUAGE QUIZ!!! by 317karin
Puzzle 54 Teile by Leiferde
Go by taddl
Chess Engine Programming by ArnoHu
Steam Engine Simulation by IguanaLover
Braille Whiz by snuggles0426
Chess Minigame v1.5 by Loev06
Mystery Chess by UzuraGames
★ Katherine Johnson - The Human Calculator ★ by SJ-797574
Tsuro - The game of the Path by kriblo
Labyrinth by kriblo
Famous Programmers by ArnoHu
Vocabooster fr by Samueldora
Wolverine Chess by waabooboo
Chess Online by ArnoHu
Othello with AI by Jimmyrooster
Game of Life by ArnoHu
Galaga by RokCoder
Bonsai Simulator by RedMoonAnimations
Programming Language in Scratch! by -Assembler-
★ Basic Guide To The Cello ★ by EDIEANDNAJ
合気道 by YasukoHashimoto
.:.ʙɪʟʟɪᴀʀᴅs.:. by FlashOfLightning
Interactive Painting with cloning by dapontes
Which one's yours? by Flippy
Excel on scratch! by run_script
Retro Racer (Multiplayer v0.6) by griffpatch
Selim's Galaxy with Perspective by Jens
Lisbon History by ffred
Unblock Me v1.2 by griffpatch
300 Clocks by ivan321
- by -present-
ABALONE by AristoScratch
Chess in 3D v0.1 by TheMoSmiths
Flight Simulator 3D v2.8 by WO997
Bouncing Ball Example Project by griffpatch_tutor
S65 - MOS 6502 Emulator by MartinBraendli
Enigma by vanHellmich
Parallax by Layzej
GraviFlip by kevin_eleven_1234
ビリヤード / Billiards by pandakun
Mandelbrot by PaulSinnett
Rubik's Cube (2 to 7) v.01 by ljh2091
Games by 2009723
Nautilus Speed-Draw by TribalBeat
Ostern by goch
Bacteria Programming Wars by Tohmis
Bazille by Dan0510
Flooder by geek62
Aurora's Quest by frodewin
Jeu de Dames - International Checkers by Itharius
ScratchMahjong by ffred