S-DSuper » Favorites (372)
Mario's Quest (Unfinished) by DJDamage
The Super Mario Bros. Movie in a Nutshell by Corbinthedoo
Tile Scrolling Tutorial part 25 by MaxWins11
Escaping the Government - Ireol by ireol
Scratch Super Mario Version 1 Tricky #game #all by ireol
Wii on Scratch by Thoren6313
The Legend of Zelda by Dany-Games
Legend of Zelda Platformer! (WIP) by LionTV
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening | ver 2.0 Beta by IMAWarriors
Super Mario Galaxy Dixiklo Engine by dixiklo
Mario's Castle Calamity :D by Lumpatious
Rogue [v1.0] by xamuil2
3D Star Wars 0.9.1-2 by LBMCompany
[Note Block] SM64 Dire, Dire Docks V1.0 by jackwong1101
New Super Mario Bros Wii Demo by pareshvernekar
Super Mario Bros | Scratch Edition by chipm0nk
Bob-omb battlefield 3D by ggenije
Mario Party Remix; Beta IDontCareImReleasingThis Edition by scratchU8
Expert Mode by scratchU8
Announcement by Brad-Games
Minecraft 3D v9 by WO997
Super Mario For Scratch Maker v1.2 by Brad-Games
Super Mario Odyssey スーパー マリオ オデッセイ by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
NEWER Mario Odyssey by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Super Mario Calamity *animation coruption by bananoa
Super Mario Bros. DS V0.8...? by EthanLuigi
Mario X Other Games 1: Zelda by GamingWithDominic
Mario X Other Games 4: Sonic by GamingWithDominic
Mario oddessy by succboy
Mario X Minecraft 32: The Beginning of the End by GamingWithDominic
2D Super Mario Odessy more fossil falls by NinjaMasterSpy
Super Mario All-Stars - Super Mario Bros. by Michael_Guy
Super Mario 2D Land 3 Remastered by _meow-gobo_
New Super Mario World v3.0 beta by _nakashima
Super Mario Maker 3 Be Like (Third time reuploaded after being mess reported :/) by king8766
Mario's Castle Calamity by Luigi_Rulez
scroll Minecraft platformer! 2 by bakky_game
Everest by NemoNaturally
pizza restaurant - tycoon by rulajr
Cat V.S. Dogs by SourChip62
ゾンビ編 remix by tkhs2011
Super Bowser Maker by detectpika
Super Mario Bros. 1 Maker by BenjaminWins11
bowser boss by pareshvernekar
3d plane simulator by Tim-Struppi
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 by joshua404
Super Mario RPG Battle Engine by -SuperNintendo-
New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
Super Mario World v2.95 by FurryStorm9
Super Mario Bros 3 - A Scrolling Platformer by CreatorWindowsLove
Super Mario Galaxy Remastered by Xbull_Studios
Super Mario 3D Land & Super Mario 3D World V1.5 by Annoyingoranges64
New Super Mario Bros. Scratch by N-theScratcher
Bake a Cookie...Or Not. by fluffkeys
New Super Mario World v1.4 by _nakashima
New Super Mario World v1.2 by _nakashima
Super Mario World Level Designer EARLY BETA by -SuperNintendo-
Scratchnapped Adventure v0.2.7 by griffpatch
Scratchnapped (A mario style platform game) by griffpatch
TobyMac-Till The Day I Die by nhca6