Scratcher Joined 4 years, 5 months ago Antarctica
About me
⋒ left Scratch
⋒ old acc: @ReadEatSleepRepeat
⋒ Ace (name not sexuality xD)
⋒ [they/them]
⋒ reader and writer
What I'm working on
Writing, reading and laughing - my passions in life
"A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown out the window."
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (76)
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I'm leaving by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Queer Blowin' In The Wind ~ rewritten cover collab with @abogenschutz by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Left. ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
My Winter Books ~ 30 book reviews by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
FAVORITE BOOKS + announcement by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
She's forgotten ~ a writing contest entry by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Queer Rainbow ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
My Fall Books ~ 20+ Book Reviews by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Just a phase ~ a short poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
First day smiles ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
210+ Q & A by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
To all the people ~ a mobile-friendly poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
the opening in the hard closet wall~a poem about coming out by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Your selective memory ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
What I meant ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
My Summer Books ~ 30+ Book Reviews by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Just another fighter ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
!Big Announcement! by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Helpful Words ~ a poem by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
(un)noticed ~ two poems by ReadEatSleepRepeat21
Favorite Projects
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A Trans Fishie! by KarinatheSpiritWolf
ignore by SoulIsDarkening
The goal of life isn't the top// Animated Poem // Poem Recitation by Kosmos_Kitty
www.nonfiction by S_Caesthetics
.com by S_Caesthetics
for by S_Caesthetics
the by S_Caesthetics
win! by S_Caesthetics
all by ashque
bodies by ashque
are by ashque
valid by ashque
♡ by ashque
✿ by flammy5368
«------• by flammy5368
♥ by flammy5368
•------» by flammy5368
✿ by flammy5368
Shards of Lost Soul || A poem|| by Kosmos_Kitty
« by p-aesthetics
Studios I Curate
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♥ rainbow hope ♥ an lgbtq+ hangout ♥
♥️ LGBTQ+ ♥️ Say hi to Simon!!!
Lgbtq+ writing quarters
Scratch Book Café
#downwithelfieandtyranny--the rebellion
❝ pens & poetry ❞
Alouette's Cage
◈Number 12◈ ◈Poetry Place◈
something ;>
✎✐Scratch's World of Writers✎✐
✨ PeopIe Who Can Talk About Books For Years ✨
The Exanimate Official Studio
♡ Book Club ♡
✏ Writers Unite ✏
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