R-O-B-Fan » Favorites (75)
Vacation to Spain by UrbanChamp
Google Snake by FieryChicken
Christmas by UrbanChamp
Gem's Fun Day! by TheGemAnimator
Konami or Capcom by UrbanChamp
Monochrome Mario - Plat-former by Darknubs
Mrevilrichbot Redisign! by TheGemAnimator
Megui- It's not like I like you! (Natsuri Animatic) by expiired_m0cha
Gay is OKAY!! And the Natsuri ship is holy by JayXStickFoReVeR
Super Mario Bros. for Scratch by BirdNani
Wild gunbros by Mrevilrichbot
Welcome to my profile! by UrbanChamp
If Street Fighter had a harder bonus stage Simulator by Mrevilrichbot
Street fighter songs (Vega theme) by KINGOFKAKE
Add Yourself in Super Smash Bros. by PenguinBoxhead
QUESTION!! by Mrevilrichbot
Smash megalos (Space) by TherealJulianJulian
SONICTALE: Blue Streak (Classic sonic Megalo) by TherealJulianJulian
⁕꙰⁕Character Creator⁕꙰⁕-Mobile friendly by Krspa
Julian by Mrevilrichbot
Doki-Doki-Literature-Club-Quiz! by RangerZK
Lets Talk Games With Abby And Nova Pt 2 by Mrevilrichbot
New Super Mario Bros. On Scratch by DuckGoose9254
the simpsons arcade game by mario8097
Marry me, Starly (animation?) by -No-Body-Cares-
Bald and Mad (a Baldi Megalo) by TherealJulianJulian
Add yourself falling from the sky with us! by --Monika-chr
Axel Stone goes Street Fighter II: Special Edition by AntonScratchy1996
8-bit Wild Gunman Sprites by TesloComedian
Waluigi joins the Wild Gunman crew by waaaa24
Underswap OST: grillby's-fire dance by TherealJulianJulian
When you're in band class by R-O-B-Fan
Five nights at Ca12makes by TherealJulianJulian
Five nights with SG 2( FNWS 2) by TherealJulianJulian
NEW Rally-X animation by TherealJulianJulian
Skye's Awful Collab [24] Skye needs the toilet. by TheVillianAnimator
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Donut Pirate by TherealJulianJulian
crying bc this isn’t canon by -AmityBlight-
Champion Of The Ring (A Little Mac Bonetrousle) by Mrevilrichbot
Scratch Pac-Man by TherealJulianJulian
Who is better me or Mrevilrichbot or therealjulianjulian by wolfgameing64
Who is better me or Mrevilrichbot by TherealJulianJulian
DDLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by ShikariBrokenStars
Me in Super Punch-Out remix by supermariofan12345
Me in Super Punch-Out by TherealJulianJulian
Road Runner In Mario by TherealJulianJulian
Love! by Starlight_Suki
Road Runner by TherealJulianJulian
Chime! (Meme) by Starlightmelon
Scratch's Best Toons: Animatronics on their break. by TheGemAnimator
Excitebike by MaxSett
Game night at Bobby's house by craycraypig99
TFTLC: J U S T M O N I K A . by TheGemAnimator
Matt Trace (Pre-2.1) - Friday Night Funkin' by SpideyPlaysMC
Making Friday Night Funkin' characters in Gacha Club by TheGachaEGirl
Punch-Out!! Arcade Nes Mode by Mrevilrichbot
URBAN CHAMPION by a_persony
Add yourself dancing! by TherealJulianJulian
NES Music to Genesis Music except the last song is DK title by mariofanstudios