PuppyGamer24 » Favorites (289)
gart by julian_carrot2
add your self fighting the death egg robot remix by Felixonetwo
Amy Rose Sprites (CD/Sega's style) by BananaSkillz
scre==================================slap by Silver_TheHedgehog
Sonic Colors Unleashed: Dragon Park Poster by pokemon2001
My Talking Tom by GT_Coder
the 4 sonic intro by yvan84100
Calliou epicly destroys foxy/gets grounded xd by Mikeythekid8
Lunch Time by Apperture
Out Of Gas by ClassicRedJacket
Backstory, Part 4 by scratchU8
sonic did the big O O F remix (EPILEPSY WARNING!!!) by NadrodoProductions
Emerald test by zach-the-dark-arua
Sonic 2 HD Sonic Sprites by ScratchCatBoo
Sonic Rivals Dash (Flash) Shadow Sprites by ScratchCatBoo
Sonic Rivals Dash (Flash) Sonic Sprites by ScratchCatBoo
VVVVVV engine by FloweyTheFlower42
Memes by -MrSnicker-
Super Mario World Movie by 041
YoshE jumps by Mikeythekid8
shadow sprites... by fireice200
Knuckles Mad remix by fireice200
The Tough Mudder - TrueGen by huntedskelly
scratch the cat ep.1 season1 by itzjordan456
Genesis Sonic Engine v1.3 by tomicool
Jarquanzela Escapes Prison Part 1 by WazzoTV
Scratch in a nutshell by Cool_animator_guy
Mario Simulator by ericmiguel
tails sprites by fireice200
Dance Party by Scratchteam
The Pico Show: Intro by Scratchteam
RUN AND HIDE by hyperstich
SCRATCHES TAMPER by Mikeythekid8
7 Eleven Day! by huntedskelly
Nintendo swich or Wii U? remix by Cool_animator_guy
SP: The Mine Song But Its Dank by Awesome_Animations67
The Sans Song by Qwerty-Code
Caillou goes 2 chuck e cheeses while grounded xd by Mikeythekid8
kindergarten jacksepticeye by superkatdog
Lost in Devin's house Part 3 by Intentioned_Smile
stories by Mwoodruff25
a giant b by noogai34
Meh Intro by Zs9995
Untitled by Unicorn_Girl332
MAI INTERO by Cool_animator_guy
Cuphead Boss Fight - Werner Werman by PizzaGut
Fight CAG by Cool_animator_guy
Scratch Island - Trailer by Leroy1107
What is it like to be featured? by FollowCherryBlossom
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