OtterGames » Shared Projects (50)
Projectile Sandbox [Read Desc] by OtterGames
Dodger Tycoon [Mobile!] by OtterGames
Maze Starter With Smoother Movement (READ DESC) by OtterGames
Undertale Soul Engine by OtterGames
Bullet Heck - a Fake Game by OtterGames
Balancing Act! by OtterGames
MetaChrome - Monochromatic Platformer by OtterGames
A Day in the Life of a Scratch Cat by OtterGames
The Mostly Empty Room by OtterGames
Text to Speech Abuse by OtterGames
Will the Scratch Screensaver Hit the Corner? by OtterGames
UT Card Game Movement by OtterGames
eee by OtterGames
Español - Los Verbos de Botas by OtterGames
DESERTed (WIP) by OtterGames
Zomboonies by OtterGames
Kinda cool? by OtterGames
EXPLORER JOE by OtterGames
Weird... by OtterGames
PUSH THE CAT by OtterGames
PUNCH DA CAT by OtterGames
DANCE PARTY by OtterGames
Find the way to ded by OtterGames
BLOWING_AIR.mp4 by OtterGames
Voice controlled car BETTER VERSION (jk) by OtterGames
Brainpower Audio Visualizer (WIP) *Read instructions by OtterGames
(WIP) Pen Tool 101 by OtterGames
Annoying Soundboard by OtterGames
Scratch Creation animation by OtterGames
Undertale Battle: A DANGEROUS THING! by OtterGames
WOOOOOOOOAH!!!!! by OtterGames
can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhh remix by OtterGames
Dance Pary remix remix by OtterGames
Lazor Shootor by OtterGames
SQUIDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by OtterGames
MOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by OtterGames
SUPER LOUD ITZ LIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! by OtterGames
Dance Pary by OtterGames
"Handy" Man by OtterGames
Dance game remixed by LUCALU by OtterGames
Hardest Game Ever by OtterGames
Computer Infector Race! by OtterGames
Pong by OtterGames
10 Block Challenge! by OtterGames
Make it FLYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! by OtterGames
Shrek Mouse trail by OtterGames
Animate Your Name by OtterGames
Program to Dance With a TWIST by OtterGames