OscarRoom82017 » Favorites (125)
optical illusion by brian105309
seconed shades! by OscarRoom82017
Top 5 Scratch Games Ever by kuv
Cube Shifter (100% Pen) remix by OscarRoom82017
How to program EPIC platformers by Walle10-0
Here Comes the Sun Completed MAP by scratchmeyou
マーブルフォール / Marble Falls remix by nyanvo
The Terror Of Dropping Icecream. Eeek. Terrifying. by Some-Random-Kid
Drawing of Dog by larabell7aj
Eagle in the air by OscarRoom82017
outdated Ninja Roy- Ninja Renegade remix remix by randomkitty7_7-7
outdated Ninja Roy- Ninja Renegade by eRKSToCK
anther eagle but worst by OscarRoom82017
Characterization Starter Project 4 remix by cs695072
Its a bad drawing of a cat! by RubyKitty45
NINTENDO SWITCH by OscarRoom82017
How To Make Ghost Slide Effect - Scratch 101 by nickimekada
Happy 10th Birthday Scratch! by st19_galla
Scratch is 10 years old!!! by OscarRoom82017
United: A Platformer by 19_hui_a
新・ボールころころ3 by s00384206
Just a project of mine. by OscarRoom82017
super mario bros by OscarRoom82017
Clash of Clans Scratch by The-007-Guy-1122
Tumbling Santa by ceebee
SuchFall-WalkCycle by Llama-wings
How to get sounds from other Scratch projects by ZachThatAwesomeGuy
Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
Geometry Dash 2 by Ayrton0313
Dear Fellow Traveler AMV by PeppermintFrosty
PopularMMOs song! by struckbylightning
The homeless poop. by OscarRoom82017
These are my awesome shades!!! by OscarRoom82017
Fallen Town v1.1 by JuniorKursat
Sock Puppet by OscarRoom82017
One Line by 7scratch7
CARD TRICKS by OscarRoom82017
WAFFLES by OscarRoom82017
volleyball by eRKSToCK
Sock Puppet by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Lyrics Taken Literally by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Super Mario Run マリオ Mario by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
CARD TRICKS by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
awesome man by muligan_and_co
Sonic Run 1.4 by sonikben10
Mario Bros. by RHY3756547
my first projeticed by OscarRoom82017
Fifa 15 Songs by omgitsscratch
Scratch Is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Primrose9
my awesome ipad by OscarRoom82017
New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch /dab by OscarRoom82017
the crazy machine by gingercup
Island Reserve by OscarRoom82017
Force- A Platformer remix by OscarRoom82017
The Rainbow Whirl 2! by OscarRoom82017
pacman Game! by OscarRoom82017
Troll.....JUST Troll by OscarRoom82017
The Enderman remix by TEDWASHERE
Fifa mobile pack opening simulator by OscarRoom82017
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