Obandojo » Favorites (94)
creepy crawlies by mrcoolcoder35
Pattern WormHole by Thienevux
pséftiko chtapódi by JA972222
OVERLOAD V0.4 BETA by Clone-creations
epiphania grapler by JA972222
Splitscreen 3d - Archived by Boxset
cell cycle / mitosis - eukaryotic by --LiamAnimates--
Blocky's Defence by jdog-the-awsome
Butter 3D Engine by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Geometry Plataformer 3d by EstudisPradell
Artificial Ant Nest Version--12.0 (Save and Load) by The_Guardian777
"A QUEST | THE GAME" PGMA S7 R2 by 10HCoder
Scratch Fossil Museum by -_Velociraptor_-
Factory Cells v1.1f by ggenije
Barugi - Game by ggenije
Color Split - 1/2/3/4 players game v1.9 by bibi_2-0
Taking Shape v1.04 | Griffpatch game jam entry by -kippie-
Speciation Is About To Occur ON A PLANET OF ONLY PLATYPUSES?!?!? by jethrod90
❄️Ice Dash❄️ by DaAwgma
Minecraft v1.1 by GL00B
Platformer but it's upgrading by ggenije
Vectoid TD 3D v1.4 by ggenije
Domino GROVE v4.9.2 by totallybigbrain
Crystal Seeker 3D platformer v1.8.3 by ggenije
Duck Run v1.0 by Viiperrr
Der Frosch könnt' kotzen! by scriptimus-prime
3D fluid simulation test by gamemaker0987654321
Pluma Parvum by schroeder_leo
Mediae Phyto by schroeder_leo
teratode nisia by JA972222
TERENIA: A SPEC EVO PROJECT by schroeder_leo
syllektis fyllon by JA972222
tsanta thalassis by JA972222
the poli-gang by JA972222
daimonas tachytitas by JA972222
Dynamic Lighting by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Parvum Potator by animaliaprojects
3d top-down engine V1.2 by LLLiamlail
Dasoskaro duomensis - Neocanilis garda, Neogarda sp by Tuuuuol4
Anguillaforma - Dracoanguillidae by Tuuuuol4
Sofo skouliki by FossaEnjoyer
Onomartan evolution tree (with scrolling) by Space_traveler1
Creatures Evolve Version 1.3.6 Bacteiras Update by joabe14_
red square escape 2P by Mario_fan5
Dig #01 by Godz1115
Art-1 by TheShadow07
Bobby likes cheese (Game) by -BobbyTheStickman-
Antz by JES9044
Tether Orbit [Mobile App] by Will_Wam
a clicker v 2.0 by dumb_games_for_life
3D Tutorial Part One: Introduction by CodingBio
Online list (Test) by FoxesAreTheCutest12
Nova Shock v1.1 Post Jam by mrcodebrain_
Magna - cat Pinball Beta 1.1 by mrcodebrain_
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Blibbery Life by HasiLover
Pottery Simulator v0.3 [Beta Version] [Mobile Friendly] by Wolkenkratzer
3D world engine by mrcodebrain_
3D SNAKE by _Paxw_
(Pt. 2) Scratch Needs These Blocks! by KITTENGAMER999