
Scratcher Joined 12 months ago India

About me

8 years old ^ ^
= > - < =
o_O O_o ^_^ ^﹏^ ~_~ ^O^ >﹏< #_# *-* (^_^)(^○^) (^'^) =_= -_-z ^_-(@@) (*_*) ≧◇≦ ∩﹏∩ (ˇˍˇ)(#^.^#) (*^_^*) (︶^︶) └(^o^)┘ (*^^*) o(≧o≦)o

What I'm working on

having fans and being an and being a good scratcher

good/favoirte projects - ski simolater, feel the magic in the air and magic

axalotol parralax

What I've been doing


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