Scratcher Joined 7 years, 8 months ago Afghanistan
About me
Sry, diesen Account benutze ich nicht mehr. Ich programmiere jetzt mit Unreal Engine, was schwieriger ist und mich mehr Spass macht als Scratch. Danke!
What I'm working on
an etwas ;-)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (27)
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fortnite by NepoCool
DJI game TRAILER by NepoCool
terminator cat by NepoCool
Find the treasure 2.5D remix by NepoCool
Asteroidenflug by NepoCool
football by NepoCool
Nepomuk 5665 by NepoCool
Flugsimulator XCool von Supergui 3 by NepoCool
Atompilz by NepoCool
Supergui assistant by NepoCool
La invasión de los bichos by NepoCool
stamp it! [spanish] by NepoCool
terror brawler by NepoCool
Ich sage dir was du alles gut kannst (funktioniert wirklich) by NepoCool
SLITHER.IO in der stadt by NepoCool
Coolman Walks the Streets hihihihhihihihihhiihihihihihihihihihi by NepoCool
Mavic air simulator by NepoCool
[ENGLISH] Slimy, Let's go Back to the Forest! remix by NepoCool
Boringboringbeetle by NepoCool
Favorite Projects
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Like a Dino! (OLD) by Supergui12345
Flugsimulator XCool von Supergui 3 by NepoCool
Scratch Coffin Dance by hooni1004
【 ☁ Cloud Scratch Kart ☁ 】 by Lucasliu9595
Nepomuk 5665 by NepoCool
Whatsapp by LennartUrban
Minecraft -A Platformer- by JWhandle
Supergui assistant by NepoCool
terror brawler by NepoCool
La invasión de los bichos by NepoCool
3d train by shhhcoder
La rana y el murciélago by hola5Martin
Gatos guerreros by hola5Martin
Mavic air simulator by NepoCool
Ich sage dir was du alles gut kannst (funktioniert wirklich) by NepoCool
Seestern-run by Schnagli
Flugsimulator xcool von Guillermo 2 (Deutsch) by NepoCool
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