Mugzy8 » Favorites (233)
Bear likes to dance by CorbTheShort
the scratch movie sneak peek flag explodes at school by Mugzy8
Dogzilla The movie by CorbTheShort
Dogzilla (trailer) pg by CorbTheShort
Me goin to Cowabunga Bay!!!!!!!!!!! ooh new water slide!! by Mugzy8
my tom 2 by kKrocksyoutube
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Rickroll || A Rickroll by ILuvRickRoll
wAILKin by MasterPenguin96
The Cookie problem #Animations #Stories by Freddy8Games
!Scratch Camp 2023! by MasterPenguin96
Catcf Sneak Peak: The Chocolate Room by frankburton22
all our food keeps blowing up by MaciTheGamerYT
Charlie and the chocolate factory but my way by Mugzy8
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by imaim7234
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 1 by Moonwolf010123
The Witches, Roald Dahl remix by MrWAFFLEHAED
Charlie and the chocolate factory- the true story by furternator
Charlie and the chocolate factory by lucylox
Roald Dahl Games by Jesus-Maria School by belenmana99
The Scratch Movie Soundtrack by Mugzy8
@Tenaciousocean1 translated the Xiao Yao Meme!!!! by Mugzy8
(closed) Mugzy8's Ten FOLLOWER contest! by Mugzy8
translate a word for Mr. Scratchy! by Tenaciousocean1
The Party Is Ruined!!!! by Mugzy8
Sonic ring rush: A Mobile Friendly endless runner by Blue_Jay3
Sunroof with my freinds!!! by Mugzy8
Annoying FlappyBird by MasterPenguin96
Annoying FlappyBird... 1st remix!!! by Mugzy8
Raph is veeerry angwy by Mugzy8
The Scratch Movie by Scratch-Minion
Sunroof With Doughnut FOREVER!!!!! by MasterPenguin96
Tornado City Pt. 2: Learn how to drop and pick up by Mugzy8
Tornado City the game pt.1:the storm arrives by Mugzy8
Monkey by CorbTheShort
Movie by MoreBetter
The Turtle Survey by MasterPenguin96
Color Switch - Target by ToadfanSchool
Color Switch- the funnest game on scratch! by awsomegirlems
The evolution of my logo by Mugzy8
Five follower contest results! by Mugzy8
Megladon vs bloop by CorbTheShort
Killer cat (horror) by CorbTheShort
Megladon in NewYork 2 by CorbTheShort
weee blehh! gurl!!!!!! by Mugzy8
NESTL CRUNCH by MasterPenguin96
Bad Breath by MasterPenguin96
Minecraft Clicker! by NormanTheGamer
Dadee? by Mugzy8
If Antonio, the youngest/ my made up ninja turtle Was on TikTok... by Mugzy8
Good Things Come In Small Packages by MasterPenguin96
The Calvin and Hobbes show episode 1 Train War by Mugzy8
everyone underestimates me.. Calvin and Hobbes by Mugzy8
Hobbes is Crazy! by Mugzy8
"Lagoon Amusement Park" Is Awesome by Cheesecakes789
everyone underestimates me.. TMNT by Mugzy8
.:Scratch is not amused:. uh oh... by Mugzy8
.:Scratch is not amused:. by PowerMouse10
everyone underestimates me but then they turn their back and i'm like boo! and their like aaaaaaaa by Mugzy8
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