MsFinley » Shared Projects (15)
Challenge with 36 Squares by MsFinley
3.4a Shape Generator by MsFinley
Drawing a Square with Variables by MsFinley
Pick a Name from a List by MsFinley
Easy Target Game: Catch the Apples by MsFinley
2.3.1 (Costume Change, Background and Music) remix by MsFinley
Sea Star vs. The Evil Fish (Catch Me Game) by MsFinley
Sound Effects by MsFinley
Drawing Triangles by MsFinley
Intro to Variables #2 by MsFinley
Intro to Variables #1 by MsFinley
Drawing a Square by MsFinley
Sounds by MsFinley
Happy Cat (Scratch) Draws a Square - Tutorial by MsFinley
Sprites and Costumes by MsFinley