Mr_fufu » Favorites (52)
letternumber 2.2 by Mr_fufu
Untitled-2 by OIRNOIR
Untitled by OIRNOIR
Untitled-3 by OIRNOIR
Analog Clock by Mr_fufu
windows vista installation by jefferyswe234
RIP SCRATCH by cwknavneeth2949
SCRATCH SUCKS. by scratchmaker370
Scratch is dead by Avian42Rises
Scratch 3.0 is trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by ScratcherNumber22
The slowest loading bar ever by Saturn741
Scratch Cat Clock by CORBEN369
letternumber 1.5 by Mr_fufu
AirPlay Scratch Edition!!!!!!! by Mr_fufu
plase help me be a scratcher 3 by Mr_fufu_alt
please help me be a scratcher 1 by Mr_fufu_alt
please help me be a scratcher 2 by Mr_fufu_alt
letternumber 2.0 by Mr_fufu
letternumber by Mr_fufu
Estimating Pi with darts! by crazyweasel675
apple polyart by doglover_1
Cat Poke by Rant
Poke The Cat! remix by Brendo1
Star Nova by cdmcgwire
MIDI Player by heine
Electronic Hop - Complete MAP by coke11
Hermione or Luna? VOTE!! Hermione wins!! by korra425
Tarlach Vs. MajesticPie by Tarlach
ice basketball by pgpg
flashy color fan with music by Mr_fufu
I'LL Make A Cake -A minecraft Parody Of "Wide Awake" remix by firedylan
Oh steve by HannanMLPFIM
blankblank tutu by tutututututu
Mr. dinner by tutututututu
hi by tutututututu
your cool by tutututututu
Kitty Shopper! by tutututututu
Untitled-2 by cwkjoshua2084
stuff... by cwkjoshua2084
Welcome to Scratch! Learn more about it! by XxMoNsTeR
When You Move A Stump by Hobson-TV
ENDLESS NICOLAS CAGE *there are too many remixes please slow down* by Melike314
3D Block Renderer 2.0 by CodeLegend
2D➔3D Maze Generator by Greenyman
Ditgital Clock by SoccerRocker222
Ultimate Marble Clock by Greenyman
Feather Generator by Masquerola
flower maker by dance789
flower maker remix by gigiparis
flower maker remix by candyqueen48
Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
Hunger games version 0.5 by mudkipzzz