MrCCC » Shared Projects (66)
Simple Bio Box remix-2 by MrCCC
Simple Bio Box by MrCCC
Bio Box by MrCCC
Move it by MrCCC
Kaylen's food for thought Pt 1 by MrCCC
Kaylen's Food for thought Pt 2 by MrCCC
Rocket 1 by MrCCC
Santa Game from Learning Technologies by MrCCC
Untitled-32 by MrCCC
Flashing octagons by MrCCC
Pentagon swirl by MrCCC
Triangle by MrCCC
Names in order by MrCCC
Untitled-29 by MrCCC
Delete-2 by MrCCC
Would you rather? Countries Example by MrCCC
TEst by MrCCC
Two truths and a lie -Countries version by MrCCC
Parallax game by MrCCC
Beach by MrCCC
Journeys animation by MrCCC
Delete by MrCCC
Basic Scrolling Game Add-ons by MrCCC
Basic Scrolling Game by MrCCC
Parachute Add-ons by MrCCC
Parallax by MrCCC
Parachute by MrCCC
Knock knock add-ons example by MrCCC
Would you rather? Example by MrCCC
Knock knock example by MrCCC
Would you rather? Add-ons example by MrCCC
Buttons Add an extra choice by MrCCC
Buttons Example - Add ons by MrCCC
Buttons Example by MrCCC
Two truths and a lie - Try again by MrCCC
Animation project by MrCCC
Animation Example 2 by MrCCC
STAR version 2 by MrCCC
STAR slideshow by MrCCC
Two truths and a lie - Adding the score by MrCCC
Two truths and a lie by MrCCC
Pen Example by MrCCC
Game 9 Side scrolling by MrCCC
Game 8 Quest by MrCCC
Game 7 Launcher by MrCCC
Game 6 Escape by MrCCC
Game 5 Platformer by MrCCC
Game 4: Maze by MrCCC
Game 3: Racing Game by MrCCC
Game 2: Net sports by MrCCC
Game 1: All Star Passing Drill by MrCCC
Sounds 1 Click the sprite by MrCCC
Sounds 2: Press keys by MrCCC
Broadcast example by MrCCC
Sounds 3 If touching colour by MrCCC
Sound 1: Animal symphony by MrCCC
Sounds 2 Copy the tune by MrCCC
Untitled-6 remix by MrCCC
under the sea remix by MrCCC
BAt by MrCCC