Misha6 » Shared Projects (21)
Cat Arranger by Misha6
Cat picks Highest Random Number From the list by Misha6
Merry Christmas by Misha6
Income Tax by Misha6
math test[1] by Misha6
Flying cupcake by Misha6
Red defence by Misha6
parcour-game by Misha6
number 1-game by Misha6
control by Misha6
one day in park by Misha6
Order pizza by Misha6
Gues number2 by Misha6
Gues number by Misha6
Good and Bad by Misha6
Perimeter and area of a circle by Misha6
monster talk by Misha6
Tropezoid by Misha6
Length width area by Misha6
running truck by Misha6
Finding a square by Misha6