Mazt3r_C0d3r » Favorites (169)
Bjorne's Quest - A platformer by Bjorne
Scratch's Card Game / English version (Work in progress) by pandakun7
2.5D Platformer! #All #Games by takuno
Long!!! platformer! 長編!! プラットフォーマー! #All #games by takuno
Interactive Art Museum by Legomariobros
I believe I can fly!!!! by Mazt3rC0d3r
広告でよく見るゲーム HERO WARS by shinren7777
New Icon!! by Mazt3r_C0d3r
My New Mascot! by Mazt3r_C0d3r
Chest Opener! ver 0.1 by Mazt3r_C0d3r
A Platformer by meiscoolbutmo
umm mouse trail??? by cutefoxwoof
pizza story! (the life of a pizza) - part 1 by cutefoxwoof
Run, Unicorn, Run! by ceebee
Whack-a-Mole (100 Block Games Challenge) by colinmacc
Never Gonna Give You Up by Aphmeow139
Level EATEN! - v0.12 by griffpatch
Below Zero || Game of Genericness by AlgebraicProof
Mango Underwater || Scrolling Platformer by AlgebraicProof
Johnny Upgrade V1.7 by bboykin1
Can somebody draw Bit as a Plushie OwO by 1021947moh
How to become Popular On Scratch! With Popular Scratcher tips #all #tutorial #games #animations by SonicIsCoool
⭐️❤️ RainBow 2 ⭐️❤️#Games #All #2 #HARD #music by SonicIsCoool
[Forever-Jump] 2! Desert Journey - A Platformer #GAMES #ALL #STORIES by -CodingAnimations-
Blob Battler! Ver 0.9 by Mazt3r_C0d3r
Space Tacos! by kittiemasters
SPD Awareness by Mazt3r_C0d3r
[Forever-Jump] A speedrun platformer #GAMES #ALL #STORIES by -CodingAnimations-
Neon Dodge #games #all #trending by -GentooPenguin-
Why I made this acount? by Bagel-no-bagel
THE LAST BAGEL! by Mazt3r_C0d3r
Butter by Mazt3rC0d3r
Greg Heffley V.S Nate Wright by BonBoiDaGamer9807
CATS! >:( #ANIMATION by Mazt3r_C0d3r
obeying the tutorial!!!! by BeeBoyZoom
This animation will make your day better modified by BeeBoyZoom
Atari Breakout! an arcade game! by Arcacdeus
Thanks | A Game | MOBILE FRIENDLY #games #all #trending #tanks #art #stories remix by BeeBoyZoom
The oof by BeeBoyZoom
PAC-MAN GAMEEEEE by Galaxy_Biscuit
Among Us be like by Mazt3rC0d3r
I got hair by Mazt3rC0d3r
roblox in scratch???? (kinda broken, sorry) by leoez98
Jester Mod ☁️ Among Us Scratch v0.27 (online) by TimMcCool
Adventure - A platformer / #games #platformer #all #trending by Random_G-u-y
Chirpy Reverie by The_Updator
Flubby clicker by Mazt3rC0d3r
CLIKER GAME!!! by Shorty129364
RPG/Adventure Game (Crafting Added) V1.2 by TemmiePlayzOfficial
Survival Platformer by kinglionleo
Spider-Man Endless Swinger! Version 1.2 remix by Mazt3rC0d3r
Flappy Chicken by warfame
Flubby jump by Mazt3rC0d3r
shout out to.... by Mazt3rC0d3r
about flubby by Mazt3rC0d3r
free Ham by Mazt3rC0d3r
Banana by Mazt3rC0d3r
When You Forget To Save Your Code by Snowball_fan12
Blue Cube: A Platformer #games #platformers #trending by WillowleafWarriors
Planet Clicker Ver 1.1 by Mazt3r_C0d3r