Maximouse » Shared Projects (20)
Music blocks test: Vivaldi - Sonata for recorder and bassoon by Maximouse
Bitmap Editor v1 by Maximouse
RGB to Scratch color converter by Maximouse
Image Scanning Test by Maximouse
Pixel art editor (99% pen) by Maximouse
Scratch Utilities by Maximouse
Pie Chart Engine by Maximouse
Bitmap Viewer by Maximouse
Bitmap Editor (demo) by Maximouse
Chart Engine by Maximouse
1 Line Challenge: rainbow squares with ln by Maximouse
You can't stop this project!!! by Maximouse
Intro for @-Imagineer- (contest entry) by Maximouse
Evil Kumquats by Maximouse
Conway's Game of Life by Maximouse
Slider Engine by Maximouse
Mandelbrot set (blue version) by Maximouse
Mandelbrot set by Maximouse
Draw (improved version) by Maximouse
Race by Maximouse