Magudragon » Shared Projects (222)
Retro platformer copy by Magudragon
Retro platformer by Magudragon
Sawdow by Magudragon
Sonic and The Secret Rings 3 and Santiago by Magudragon
New Sonic The Hedgehog design by Magudragon
Times by Magudragon
Sonic Drive: Beepbox version by Magudragon
Metal Harbor remastered by Magudragon
Burger by Magudragon
Multiverse funnies Series 1 by Magudragon
Sonic Time Sweep Early build by Magudragon
help by Magudragon
New Super Luigi Long Legs U. by Magudragon
here by Magudragon
With better Sonic Sprites by Magudragon
Platformer Engine #Games #All #Music #Art #Platformer #Engine #Platformer Engine #Trending #P… remix by Magudragon
Which is the best color scheme? by Magudragon
Sonic Advance 3: Toy Factory Zone by Magudragon
Winter Wonderland 2D by Magudragon
Home Alone (but mean bean machine) by Magudragon
New PFP by Magudragon
Sonic Anniversary Engine by Magudragon
Boxland by Magudragon
stickman but red by Magudragon
Adventure Time Shattered Lands: Prologue by Magudragon
new years night project by Magudragon
Second by Magudragon
Untitled-57 by Magudragon
(idea) multiple rows on main page by Magudragon
FIRST by Magudragon
Sonic By Scratch Sprites by Magudragon
Sonic Forever Zones 1-3 by Magudragon
Sonic Forever v0.07 (BETA) (1) by Magudragon
for Magudragon remix by Magudragon
Year of Shadow (fixed) by Magudragon
A Doodly Christmas remix by Magudragon
Sunshine too! by Magudragon
Sonic Racing CrossWorlds by Magudragon
Leak by Magudragon
Sonic The Portable Engine (BETA) by Magudragon
OH MY GLOB x3! by Magudragon
sunflower by Magudragon
WOF fans when book 16 gets announced by Magudragon
Shrug by Magudragon
supa long platforma!!1! by Magudragon
Splash Hill Act 1 remix by Magudragon
Fire Ball by Magudragon
Perry by Magudragon
First remi by Magudragon
No by Magudragon
shortest project on scratch part 4 ep 1 by Magudragon
eTV [LOST PROJECT] by Magudragon
Medicore 2 by Magudragon
Sure by Magudragon
HE'S STILL HERE! by Magudragon
Sonic Advance V by Magudragon
The third shortest project on Scratch 3 by Magudragon
A timeline where Sonic fails (ours) by Magudragon
all of your best projects! by Magudragon
Remix and ruin Max and the mid-knights by Magudragon