Student of: Edtch-G2QI-12406411-Manhã Scratcher Joined 3 years, 11 months ago Brazil
About me
Sou Maria Paula e tenho 13 anos!
What I'm working on
Estou aqui no scratch desde o inicio do ano.
Tenho que agradecer a minha mãe por me encorajar. Obrigada mãe!!
Eu estou fazendo um jogo.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (10)
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Alura Defender Introdução - aula 1 com bug remix by MPMM13
Defenda a Terra introdução by MPMM13
Alura Defender 2 - aula 4 com bug remix by MPMM13
Covid-19, como se previnir. remix by MPMM13
Alura Defender 2 - aula 3 com bug remix by MPMM13
Vamos defender a Terra! by MPMM13
Alura Defender 2 - aula 2 com bug remix by MPMM13
Alura Defender 2 - aula 1 remix by MPMM13
Aliens! copy by MPMM13
Favorite Projects
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Alura Defender Introdução - aula 5 com bug by gsalura
Star Wars Introdução by PHMM11
My Own Drum - AMV by thecoder114
Defenda a Terra introdução by MPMM13
Alura Defender - aula 2 com bug by gsalura
Covid-19, como se previnir. by PHMM11
jogo que deu errado by leo-resner
Vamos defender a Terra! by MPMM13
Alura Defender 2 - aula 1 remix by MPMM13
Star Wars by PHMM11
Aliens! copy by MPMM13
Alura- robô agatha by AgathaBegnini
Futebol- agatha by AgathaBegnini
What Emoji Are You? by Bedwars20
Simulador de celular! - BETA by Rafa_Kiwi21
Untitled-4 by _-hanna-_
Mario Maker Scrolling Platformer #Games #All by ELGIN01
Star Wars: The height of the Empire by a1bsdD
Studios I Curate
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