MLGdoge1738 » Favorites (27)
The glitched face by awesomefireyninja
Store Simulator (BETA TESTING) by theolive
♡ Alice in Wonderland - A platformer ♡ by LittleAlienGirl
Smooth Jumping Script by beepbeep
How to draw an Impossible triangle! by LegoMan528
Scratch's Rage by MLGdoge1738
Super Kirby World by Donut_Man156
Arena (v3.02) by theChAOTiC
ScratchTopia by DarkCrystalBall
Everything I Hate About the Internet by Mr-Animator
Star Defense by Donut_Man156
Rivals by MLGdoge1738
Bit Rush Apocalypse (over 100 levels!) by Sliferboii
Bit Rush (over 100 levels!) by theolive
The MLG song by MLGdoge1738
Apocalypse Survival by Avalti
Taco Clicker by theolive
MacDonalds Tycoon to kill you eyes by MLGdogefan
MacDonalds Tycoon by theolive
The most glitchy project ever made by MLGdoge1738
Zambie Fighter by MLGdoge1738
MacDonalds Tycoon remix by awesomefireyninja
RAINBOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by MLGdoge1738
Illuminati Clicker by MLGdoge1738
Alien Invansion by MLGdoge1738
The hacking Game by coder1012123
Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch