Lukey1 » Favorites (99)
Shift by ianrocks
Adopt An Element: Titanium by Chaos_Phantom
Rope - A Tricky Little Puzzle Game by JereTheJuggler
Count - 7SECONDS by thereisalwayshope
Unicycle Madness! by Patroach
Efficient Maze Solver by ilikelegos
Running Man by Lukey1
Elemental by andrewjl
Liquid loading bar plus (beta 1.02) by CuteGrass
What Fruit Are You? by treepandaa
Chinese New Year - Year of the Goat/Sheep/Ram by Dragon_Warrior_Po
Which Band Instrument Are You? (Quiz) by Code_Name_Geek
Type Master by thereisalwayshope
Sonatina No.1 Allegro (Clementi) by snowymaster1748
It's Raining Presents by tacky365
Self-Portrait Attempt #2 by JereTheJuggler
Swirly by snowymaster1748
Remote Control by thereisalwayshope
Box 'o' Random by ZubStudios
Weird Animatons by Lukey1
THE QUIZ by snowymaster1748
Salmon Rush by Lukey1
DesignPad 1.1 by Lukey1
The Fantastic Fortune Teller by blackandblue
Apples by Haulea
Waterfall by HauIea
Uno by Traditore
2048 by JereTheJuggler
Into the Black Hole by Brontosplachna
Extreme Ninja Parkour Master! by epninja
Dropbox -The Game- v.2.0 by PeaBrainProgram
The Chest by theChAOTiC
Apollos by fezzinate
Pick the Button Deluxe [official?] by Lukey1
An Old Fable by Lukey1
ART (I guess?) by Steven9x0
Bounce by EnergyCode
Binary Clock by asdfkl
Playable 3D Rubik's Cube! by boaz4
Rainbow Pastel by Masquerola
Home. by -Triad-
Flow by Scillog
A Whale Combing Its Hair. by Masquerola
Dot Art by ILoveIceCream1
Lemonade Time by ipzy
Ultimate Marble Clock by Greenyman
Skater by Unrealisation
Mouse Effects | Remix by Unrealised-Tests
Do the Wave! by ThePancakeMan
Endless Cake by ThePancakeMan
ScratchTube by Zro716
Find the Invisible Cow by EnergyBlock01
Summer by ThePancakeMan
Green vs. Black Fight! by Memphisgriz400
Blue vs. Red Fight! (a.k.a Fire vs. Ice!) by Memphisgriz400
Eye Illusion Simulation by Memphisgriz400
Blue Ball 1 by Memphisgriz400
Beat AI 2.0 by scratchhacker3000
Brain-Twist by foxterfox