Luigi_super_gamer » Favorites (16)
Blank Licky Cat by KittyKatKittyKat
Wario Ware! (Mobile engine) #Remix #Nintendo #WarioWare #Wario #Music #Beats by gtoxic20000
[1 SPRITE] Thwomp Tyranny || Minigame by theCharpy
MARIO CRAZY MODE by chanminion2010
BLAh BLAH BLAH by FanofMario
Luigi Star Rush by Agusdenini
Interactive_Mario_2000 by youtubeman
New Super Mario World by BurnyB
Malleo and Weegee VS Guiyii by Mawile
Bowser Teaches Typing: Mario Teaches Typing parody by smobowser
Jogo da velha by ProfFonfon
Ultimate Mario Scene Creator by -La0-
Sonic The Hedgehog PC Port by Luigi_super_gamer
New Super Mario 64 v1.0. by Victor_Super_Games
Super Mario World Online by Luigi_super_gamer
Super Mario Kart Nostagia by Luigi_super_gamer