Lucas-Monestime » Shared Projects (18)
Prototype Platformer Game by Lucas-Monestime
My Last Platformer by Lucas-Monestime
Transforming Sonic Cannon Simulator v0.1 by Lucas-Monestime
Operation: S.C.R.A.T.C.H Part 1 by Lucas-Monestime
how to make a coin system remix by Lucas-Monestime
Explosion sound and sprite (May copy and use) remix by Lucas-Monestime
.:COLLISION PLATE:. remix by Lucas-Monestime
My Outro by Lucas-Monestime
The Traitor - A Platformer by Lucas-Monestime
Be In The Infinity Gears series! (read description) remix by Lucas-Monestime
Lost In Space by Lucas-Monestime
The Rescue - A Platformer by Lucas-Monestime
The Curse - A Platformer by Lucas-Monestime
Intro TO scratch 3 by Lucas-Monestime
Intro To Scratch 2 by Lucas-Monestime
Intro To Scratch 1 by Lucas-Monestime
LM Rock Band by Lucas-Monestime
Ice-Venture - Platformer by Lucas-Monestime